We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.

Moving Forward/Jay 6/29/20

“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward” -Martin Luther King Jr.

Tomorrow marks my final day at Little Church, ending 18 years that Nikki and I have been there. It’s been truly an honor to pastor and serve so many of you. I have an email folder marked “Special”, full of your notes and encouragements that I will treasure the rest of my life.

The reason for going? Jeff and the elders decided it was time to make a change. And they’ve made it. A bit of a humbling experience for me, but I know God will use it for good. Would I be a pastor emeritus at the church? No, I want to keep moving forward.

About the pastors I served with. Chris Lizotte, a friend beyond words, has been the ultimate brother. Pastor Sam turned the high school upside down for Christ. I suspect we might see much of each other in the future. And Toby, an absolutely superb children’s pastor and such a dedicated follower of Jesus.

Thank you Kelly for being such an incredible help, and Mary, who kept my office so nice. Greg, I wish you the best. And Jeff.

Then there’s all of you. Wow. What can I say, some of the most amazing and wonderful people I have ever known. You made Little Church such a joy for me. Your prayers, encouragement and support have changed my life. I send you all so much love in Christ.

My future? God has opened so many doors – it’s a little crazy. I’m going to work with Pastor Don Sciortino who, like me, has been called by God beyond the local church and to the city. We both love and cherish Laguna Beach.

I’ve also been offered a pastoral position at another church but who knows when churches will meet again. I love sharing on a new YouTube channel, will be teaching at the Vineyard Kingdom School, keeping the momentum of daily prayer/worship going, will continue a Bible Study I’ve started, and tending to the Thai ministry. And of course, writing. Then there’s the Sawdust Festival, city issues I’m involved with, etc., etc.

I am so blessed to have a wife like Nikki, especially during this time of my life. She has been amazing, standing with me, showing such grace, patience, discernment and wisdom

Finally, I will be responding soon to the many emails I’ve received about my departure. I am going to answer each one personally but it is going to take a little time. Thank you all for writing and caring.

My heart sings tonight for it is God in charge of my life. And I bless Him. Glorify Him. And I’m excited to move forward. Who knows what God might have in store.

Take care everyone. I am leaving Little Church but I am not leaving many of you. We will be friends forever.

Pastor Jay