Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A note from your pastor: July 22, 2020

Hello, my friends!

This Sunday we’ll be looking at Psalm 133 which begins by saying “how good and pleasant it is for brothers and sisters to dwell together in unity!”  How true that is!  I know that is how I felt last Sunday night seeing so many of you down at the beach.  My heart was filled with Joy!

What a gift it was to be together as a church down at Sleepy Hollow beach as we celebrated the gift of each other, worshipping in the beauty of God’s outdoor cathedral, and praising God with expressions of deep gratitude.  Let’s do it again!

This Sunday, Lisa Brooks has asked to be baptized, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to extend the invitation to any of you that would like to be baptized as well.  There is something so centering and sacred about baptism and what a joy to do it both publicly and in the presence of our church family.  I’m so excited!  If you’d like to be baptized this Sunday, please give me a call or shoot me an email and we’ll get it all set up.

And this Sunday we have a better tide window, so we won’t be worried about the water coming up too high! So bring a couple of beach chairs or blankets and join us for our next Sunset Soak at 7 PM!

Also, I want to let you know that Deeper Walk is not meeting tonight or next week.  I’m taking a little time to rethink how we’re doing that.  I have a few ideas but am still thinking that whole thing through.  More info coming soon!

We are also brainstorming some evening gatherings in backyards.  Maybe a Church by the Sea version of music in the park!  We’ll try to keep some variety to our outdoor gatherings, but are so excited to be able to do church together again!

I sure love you guys!
