We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.

Weekend Update! Sept 5, 2020

Hello, my friends!

Hope you are having a delightful holiday weekend.  I’m writing this in front of a fan, bracing myself for what looks to be a bit of a scorcher today and tomorrow.  Hopefully, you can all squeeze in a quick dip in the ocean to stay cool!

I want to remind you that we’re not going to be meeting this Sunday evening for our usual Sunset Soak because of the holiday.  We will be meeting the following Sunday but are making a switch in the time to 5 PM.  With the shift into the Fall season, this will allow us a bit more time before it gets dark and hopefully allows for our families with kiddos to be able to make it down before bedtime.  We’d love to have you join us!

And tomorrow morning please tune in with us for our morning service as we get the wonderful opportunity to hear from Pastor Toby Scott.  I always am so grateful for Toby’s tremendous heart as she opens God’s word.  I know that all of us will be so blessed!

Stay tuned as we continue to process through reopening plans.  We’ll keep you posted!

Love you guys!