We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.

A note from your pastor, Sept 23, 2020

Hello, my friends!

Let me begin by saying just how wonderful it was to worship together in person this past Sunday morning.  To be together in our church worshipping together moved me to tears.  My friend, Biyan, turned around and said “I had no idea how much I missed this!”  I couldn’t agree more.  We’ll be meeting again this Sunday at our regular times of 9 and 10:45 and would love for you to join us!  Just shoot Kelly an email at kelly@lagunaefc.org and let her know what service you’d prefer.  The best availability currently is at our 2nd service.

This past Sunday we began a series on the life of Joseph.  It is a story of heart transformation as God leads Joseph through his school of wisdom.  Joseph is being prepared for the vision God has given him.  But the road getting there looks nothing like we would have planned or that we would expect.  God’s ways are not our ways.  But we will see how God never abandons his servant.  Instead, he blesses Joseph and causes him to flourish, regardless of circumstance.

And so He will with you.  Even in this season, God is shaping and transforming us.  It is especially in these moments of disruption where God is doing His deepest work.  Tilling the soil of our hearts and allowing us to grow and flourish.

I gave you some questions to consider at the end of the sermon, and I thought I’d go ahead and give you a nudge to be thinking and praying about them.


  1. Think back on the most difficult moments of your life.  The times you felt alone.  Can you think of ways where God was at work?  How was He shaping your heart?
  2. Have you ever had a dream or vision that was taken away?  Can you identify the longing?  How might God be reshaping that vision?
  3. What are you learning during this time?  What questions are you asking?

I’m so excited to see the fruit of what God is doing during this time.  Keep pressing in!  God knows the plans He has for, and they are plans to prosper you and not to harm you.  They are plans to give you hope and a future.  Amen!

Love you guys!