We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.

Urgent update from Pastor Jeff 01/02/21

Hello, my friends!

Well, this isn’t quite the note I was hoping to write for the beginning of the New Year.  Usually, this is a time for resolutions and optimistic goal setting. It is about vision and looking forward.  But this has been the year of continual disruptions and disappointments for all of us, and it appears that it is spilling over into 2021.  Quite honestly, I’d prefer to stop looking forward to what is next and just go back to how things were. I long for some normalcy and in the back of my mind, I hoped that Covid would disappear as our calendar year changed.

But Gabe tested positive just before Christmas and Patty did a week later.  And I just heard from Greg yesterday that Michelle has tested positive as well.  I’m hearing of more and more cases around us and I’m feeling like we need to cancel our in-person gatherings starting tomorrow and for the next couple of Sundays.  I know this will be heartbreaking for many of you. Just know we’ll be doing everything we can to get us back in person as quickly and prudently as possible and that our online services will continue as planned.  (Although tomorrow’s may be a bit simpler technology-wise since Greg is quarantining.)

But we are still beginning our new teaching series tomorrow and I’m thrilled about it!  We are going to be studying Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount” from Matthew which is chock-full of so much wisdom and insight into how we as Christ-followers are to be living in God’s kingdom today.  It is a sermon that both inspires and convicts.  It pushes us to look deeper into our assumptions and beliefs and puts into perspective our current trials and difficulties.  All in all, it reveals the secrets of living a life of deep blessing.

And then, tomorrow at 5 pm I’ll be hosting a zoom meeting for those who would like to go a bit deeper.  This will give you some time to process a bit and come up with thoughts and questions of your own.  And more importantly, it will allow us to stay connected and to spend some time praying together as well.  So please come. (Meeting ID: 939 3735 8846. Passcode: 869521)

I heard that early on, at the beginning of the pandemic, the question was trending on google, “Are the birds singing louder?”  I love that! Isn’t it amazing what we can hear when we slow down?  My hope and prayer is that, in this new year, the words of Jesus fill our hearts and minds.  That we hear more in this text than we ever have before.  And above all, that we would grow in our awareness of the blessings that continue to surround us.

So take heart, my friends.  Remember, blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!

I sure love you guys!
