Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

The Ultimate Thief 3/22/16

I’ve never seen Pastor Sam quite so sad. He walked into the staff meeting this morning like he’d lost his best friend. He explained, “It’s tough. I am dealing with 6 or 7 kid who are contemplating suicide. A few just started coming to the church. “ He held back tears as he shared how tenuous the lives of these kids are.

In 2014 almost 43,000 chose death by suicide in America. Every day 105 people take their lives. High on the list are veterans and teens. Females think about suicide more than males but males are four times more likely to actually go through with it. Suicide is the third leading cause of death in the world. And it’s becoming an epidemic. I’ve lost dear friends to suicide and officiated too many memorials due to this thief.

What’s behind all of this? Depression is the major reason by far, and substance abuse is often tied to it – too much alcohol, drugs, or prescription meds, something to numb the pain. And often the person taking their life finds the courage in a substance. People suffering from severe depression, called depressive disorder, can’t just snap out of it or be reasoned with. They are so deep in a black hole they cannot see any light.

Major signs indicating a problem including deep sadness, feelings of hopelessness, despair, and a sense of worthlessness. Do not ignore the symptoms. Get help. Treatment that can make a difference includes counseling and medication. One friend who has dealt with this issue told me if someone talks about suicide you should call the police or take them immediately to the ER. I pray for the depressed all the time, asking God to bring inner healing and encouragement. It’s often helped.

Prayer Needs This Week

  • Appreciate all of you praying for these suicidal-inclined kids
  • Family of Greg Sowle as his wife’s mother died yesterday
  • Alex Phillips who fell and fractured her pelvis, sustained a concussion and an assortment of bruise and sprains
  • Lisa Arthur whose dad died last week; she has also been suffering from illness
  • For all those who suffered loss in the extremist Islamic terrorist bombings in Brussels
  • Good Friday and three Easter services coming up this Sunday

A great word from one of the most gifted teachers to grace the Body of Christ.

 A Final Thought: Your greatest call in life is not what you are called to do – but what you are called to be. It’s not the size of your successes, but the size of your heart.

Much love to you all,

Pastor Jay