Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

When Life Feels Upside Down 5/24/16

Once in awhile I find prayer challenging. Why are some prayers answered and others not? And occasionally I struggle with God, wondering why He allows what He allows. A terrible accident. Cancer. Broken hearts. How does it work? Why is Peggy Hank paralyzed from a seemingly minor surf accident and I’m not. I bodysurfed some big waves in the early 70’s off Pearl Street and was driven to ocean’s floor many times, emerging unhurt. It’s perplexing to me.

Scripture makes it clear just how different God is from us. “My thoughts are not your thoughts,” says the Lord, “And my ways are far beyond anything you can imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so My ways are higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:8-9). I understand this. God is not like us. He doesn’t think like we think nor act like we would act. And that’s good.

In the end I know all will bring glory to God. But just to be honest with you, it doesn’t make it much easier. I grieve for those whose suffering continues. Who are victims of an accident they had nothing to do with. A dad who dies and leaves a wife and three kids. It’s tough when this happens. So what to do?

I know nothing to do but trust God. Completely. By sheer faith. I hold tightly on to Him, when I have no clue what’s going on. When life doesn’t make sense. When I’m feeling upside down. I just hold on.

Jesus understood how we would feel. As did many of the New Testament writers who encouraged us over and over “to not lose heart” in this confusing world. Those words would never have been written except God knew there would be times when we would feel a little hopeless. A little discouraged. By the way, you’re in good company. David expresses those feelings quite often in the Psalms.

I suspect I’m not alone in how I’m feeling. I’ll bet there are a few others out there wondering also. Let’s all of us hold on to God together.

Prayer Needs This Week…

  • His name is Steve. He attended Little Church on Sunday for the first time. In the afternoon he broke three vertebrae in his neck, inadvertently diving into a sandbar. He’s not paralyzed, I am glad to report, but he has a long recovery period.
  • Marin– eight years old, going in for reconstructive bladder surgery in a couple of weeks at John Hopkins.
  • From one of the kids: “I want to pray for my older brother that he would believe in the Holy Spirit and there would be more faith in his heart.”
  • For David Kessner– the power of God to drive out Lyme’s disease; resurrection life to fill his body; energy, lucidity, strength, an appetite and the ability to keep food down; encouragement for his parents, Jenny and Bob (from Mary Hurlbut, Jenny’s sister)
  • Brad Coleman– recovery from a bad accident where the #1 vertebrae in his neck was broken; from his wife Margy: “Thank all on the prayer team for me. Complete restoration for Brad. It’s been scary and yet feeling hopeful.”
  • Steve Young– ministry trip the next two weeks to Turkey, Greece and Egypt.
  • Lee Thoreen, Regina Jacobson’s 90 year-old mother who is very ill, needing proper care.
  • Dan– possible sinus cancer; going through tests now

Dancing can do quite a bit in boosting your day. Try it. You might really like it.

 This Friday Night: A very special evening in Laguna – the Blessing of the Artists at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church, 7pm, Friday, May 27. Wonderful service and a superb reception afterwards in their courtyard. All are invited.

“This is my command,” says the Lord. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
