Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A Cherished Letter 5/31/16

“For God is my witness how I long for you all and think of you with love and the tender mercy of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:8

Separated by Miles But Not Spirit: I receive nice letters from time to time from those who enjoy this weekly prayer devotional. I do not share them usually as they are mostly personal and private. But the letter below from Rachel Snyder, who now lives in Chicago, was filled with so much love and such heart for Little Church, I felt you all should share in the joy of what she expressed.

Pastor Jay – I love these prayer letters.  I wonder how many of us who were immersed in the Little Church By The Sea body of Christ for a perfect amount of time, and then have moved on to other places, still cherish these letters.  I always sit down with my cup of coffee, snuggle in for a good read and prayer time when I get them.  Thank you for including those of us who have moved away.

In the past, I used to think, WOW, so much change, so many names on the lists who I don’t know and I would feel disconnected and sad and wishing I were still there and knew all of the folks, because I LOVE you all and just want to be right there in the middle of it all happening.

But when I was reading over it today, it struck me: SO many names I don’t know. AWESOME. Because it means more are being added every day to the number of those learning, loving and doing Gospel work in Laguna.  How amazing is that?!!?? Our Messiah keeps moving in hearts and lives constantly and I am so excited to see so many names and events I do not recognize, knowing we are all united in Christ and that bond is forever.  And over email – God bless email, we all get to be encouraged and connected still, and bear one another’s burdens and not wait for weeks and months to receive a letter!

Audrey and I do hope, however, that we will still get to spend very many more moments this side of heaven with you all.  If you think of it, pray for her and I.  We are moving into our own lil apartment (oddly enough, right across the street from Brad & Margy, lol!) and it will be the first time we have ever lived on our own – I am excited and scared and happy and overwhelmed all at the same time.

You have all been with me on this journey, this messy, beautiful path and I don’t know what I would do without you.  Sometimes just knowing I will always have a place to lay my burdens down with other Jesus and people lovers, is enough to get through the hard days 🙂  Keep up the good work!

Much love, big blessings, miss you all so much!  Rachel xoxo

I’d say these two young men worshiping in the bush of Africa are feeling the joy of the Lord

Prayer Needs This Week…

  • Full recovery for Brad Coleman from his broken vertebrae. He will be in a neck brace for six weeks. As well as for Steve Boshard, a local carpenter, who broke three vertebrae in his neck and had titanium screws inserted on Friday.
  • Terry Jacobsonwho suffered an amnesiac episode and spent the last two days in the hospital. He is somewhat better today.
  • Brooke Sanders17, needs a diagnosis to explain a recent seizure. Pray for her mom Terry who is very concerned. Brooke and Terry are dear friends of Mary Deane.
  • Steve Young– ministry week in Egypt.
  • Rick Scott’s dad Montywho is battling life-threatening cancer
  • Tricia Engel– who desires a teaching position here in Laguna.
  • Janell and Jeff Hotchkinwho are praying whether to take three needy children into their home. They now live in Arizona after recently moving from northern California.
  • Willie, just released from Chino prison after a ten year sentence, that he will acclimate well back into society, and not return to jail.

Congratulations: Ryan Van Rensselaer for his Saddleback Valley Christian boys volleyball team winning the California state regional title.

Final thought from Woody Allen: “Eighty percent of success is showing up.”

Lots of grace to you all this week.

Pastor Jay