Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Still Missing Him 6/14/16

Victor Ethan Grant entered this world on November 30, 1908, one of eight children. His grandfather Charles had immigrated from Scotland to Canada in the 1850’s and the family eventually crossed into America, taking residence in Wisconsin first and then settling in Illinois. In his early 20’s Vic drove from Chicago to California in a Ford Model T in search of a better job, eventually ending up in Los Angeles, working in a machine shop.

In 1936, he met my mom, Bettie Grant, a fiery redhead who had worked in Hollywood films, mostly as a backup dancer in Fred Astaire-type movies. He fell hard and in 1937 they were married in Santa Barbara. Five years later, on October 22, 1942, I was born, smack in the middle of World War II. They stuck a Jr. on the end of dad’s name, nick-naming me Jay.

Been thinking about my dad lately. Like a lot of men who endured the great Depression, he worked hard, often 15 hours a day or longer and was a great provider. I lacked nothing growing up. He loved Buicks and a red and white 56 Century coupe stands out. An avid baseball fan, the Chicago White Sox were his team (took me to the 59 Dodgers/White Sox World Series) and he coached me in Little League. He was huge on respecting women – open the car door for your lady, stand up when a woman enters the room, never curse in their presence.

On a spring day in 1991 he called and said , “Jay, I want you to know I love you.” Had never heard those words before. Men from his era just didn’t express such sentiments often. I wept after hanging up. A month later I was sitting in Wally’s barber shop with Rudy cutting my hair. Nikki suddenly called – dad had suffered a massive stroke. He died later that night. Smoking two packs of Pall Mall’s a day since his teens, I wasn’t really surprised. But I still miss him. A lot.

Happy Father’s Day dad. It’s been 25 years now but I love you more than ever.

From Anne Geddes: “Any man can be a father but it takes someone special to be a dad.”

Just loved this Father Day’s message…

Prayer Needs This Week

  • Marin, eight years-old – bladder operation tomorrow (Wednesday)
  • Gary Smith – full recovery from weak immune system treatment
  • Jeanette Cotinola – hip replacement surgery this Friday
  • For those who have no father when Father’s Day arrives; unwanted, abandoned, abused, there are deep wounds
  • A blessed and prosperous summer for Laguna’s artists
  • Praise for Gil’s successful back surgery on Monday
  • Several troubled marriages

“A wise son (and daughter) accepts a father’s discipline but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke.” Proverb 13:1

Pastor Jay