Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Placing Faith Over Fear 7/5/16

Call to Pray With Tears (from Sufen, a friend of Little Church and a Singaporean/Chinese missionary): In this prayer journey I am on, I have been feeling God’s heart for His people more and more, and in a deeper way. Many times in the past year when I prayed for the nations, I had no words to pray but kept weeping. In the beginning I didn’t know what was happening to me but then God spoke to my heart and told me my tears were His love for His people. He is calling me to pray with tears, heartfelt compassion, godly sorrow, and mourning with Him for His people.

Call to Place Faith Over Fear: Suicide bombings and terrorism in Beirut, Paris, San Bernardino, Brussels, Istanbul and Bangladesh. Hundreds of Christians murdered by Boko Harem in Nigeria with thousands displaced this year alone. In 2015 over 7000 Christians martyred for their faith. Many in America are still in shock over the Orlando shootings. You need to understand the evil one comes to steal, kill and destroy but let’s allow the shock of this to drive us to deeper repentance, crying out to God and turning back to Him.

Don’t curse the darkness but instead let the light of Christ shine in and through us, piercing that darkness. When it is getting darker, then light shines brighter. Our Warrior-King’s call is to place faith over fear, to trust in God even in the face of threats and imminent danger. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Note – much of what Sufen wrote I shared in my message yesterday.

Just a wonderful Sunday morning of beautiful worship, led by our extraordinary team of Chris, Kirsten, Patty, Nikki, Pete, Frank, and Mark. Photo – Pastor Greg Sowle

Prayer Needs This Week (thank you all for taking a moment to pray over these issues)… 

  • Bill and Andra Miller left for Romania on Friday to visit their missionary son Billy.  Please pray for them while traveling. Their daughter Ellie is off to Youth With A Mission in Kona, Hawaii.   She will be gone 6 months. The Millers are empty nesters now and feeling it.
  • Pray for Spencer andDylan Davis who lost their dad Glenn last week to illness. He was just 49.
  • Johnson Asarein Ghana needing financial provision to keep Radach Center radio station going
  • The visa application for Immanuel, the son of Tai Church pastors Gai andKhajorn, to be expedited so he can come to America and attend the Calvary Chapel Bible College.
  • mom of young boys in our church is having a “Christian Movie Night” at her house and inviting lots of kids. Pray this will be a fruitful time.
  • Eden Youngand her cousin Hannah serving in Bombay, India at a well known ministry.
  • Diane– depression; wanting to return to church but its hard
  • Mary & Terry– both lost sons in the past six weeks; friends of Mary Deane
  • Cemi – intense and ongoing headaches

From Mary Hurlbut: Please thank everyone for their persistent and fervent prayer! They are blessing our church and community.

A Litany of Prayer Encouragements…

“The effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous avails much.” James 5:16

“Call unto Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not of.”  Jeremiah 33:3

“You ought to always pray and never to lose heart.”  Luke 18:1

“Rising up a great while before daybreak, Jesus departed into a solitary place and there He prayed.” Mark 1:35

“And these all, with one mind, gave themselves to prayer and intercession.” Acts 1:14

“And those who believed continued steadfastly in prayer.”  Acts 2:42

And the apostles said, “We will devote ourselves to prayer and the ministry of the word.” Acts 6:4

May God’s love fill all your hearts this week,
