Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Out of Joint 7/26/16

On Sunday, Jeff mentioned that we can sometimes get “out of joint,” meaning we are not ourselves, that something has put us into a state that is not usual or normal. He shared how his foot went out of joint when he was surfing once. Very painful and distressing.

I’ve been “out of joint” lately. I don’t quite know why but I’m not myself. I’ve been feeling a level of aggravation and irritation that’s not usually a part of my make-up. I don’t know where it’s coming from but I’ve been struggling the past couple of weeks. And it’s been painful. Disconcerting and annoying. I feel snappy, short and grouchy.

The one redeeming aspect in all this is how my wife Nikki has been so patient and gracious. She’s been a saint and I’m not exaggerating, showing me lots of underserved love.

Dr. Gary popped Jeff’s foot back into place. I wish somebody would pop my attitude back in place.

Our new youth interns for 2016-17: L-R Logan Motsinger, Aubrey Spurlin, Kevin Carr, Returnee Taylor Shipley

Prayer Focus This Week: Just one – (junior highers going to Camp Ponderosa in Running Springs this week, Monday thru Friday. Pray God moves mightily.

Leaders in red…

Pastor Sam Ellis
Logan Motsinger
Kevin Carr
Aubrey Spurlin
Gianna Cancellieri
Claire Knill
Lalia Armini
Brody Babick
Robert Henderson
Taylor Shipley
Sage Woodward
Sierra Woodward
Izzy Saunders
Ethan Saunders
Christopher Hemsley
Jordan Houglum
Andrew Sarkisian
Aidan Kang
Harper Bunn
Candice Dartez
Austin Plank
Kayvon Garcia Amini
Meike Casolari
Sydney Hardie
Faith Ackley
Shanti Nunn
Brooke Hardy
Ella Mostajo
Gabriel Henderson
Michael Henderson
Rachel Henderson
Eva Fast
Izzy King
Olivia Mullin
Madison Kerrigan
Pearl Sinclair
Julian Williams-Goldberg
Elle Gourley
Emma Bernstein
Noah Kuhn
Teva Shonfield
Jaden Shalala
Dominque Willette
Emily Farnes
Josh French
Luisa Franco
Evan Louch
Warsaw Robbins
Luke Meisberger
Eli Bernstein
Cole Pressley

Suggestion: you might divide the names up and pray for say 10 a day. This prayer letter has gone out a day early to make sure all these kids and leaders are covered from day one.

Scripture To Ponder: “But do not forget this one thing. With the Lord a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand being slow. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:8,9

Finally: “Whenever your faith is tested, be sure something glorious is about to happen.”

Pastor Jay