Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Three Lame Ducks 8/16/16

Three Tame Ducks

I have three tame ducks in my backyard
Who play in the mud and try real hard
To get their share and even more
Of the overflowing backyard store
They’re fairly content with the task they’re at
Of eating and sleeping and getting fat

But when the wild ducks fly by
In a streaming line across the sky
They cast a wistful and quizzical eye
And flap their wings and attempt to fly

I think my soul is a tame old duck
Wallowing around in the barnyard muck
It’s fat and lazy with useless wings
But once in a while when the north wind sings
And the wild ducks soar overhead
It remembers something lost and almost dead
And it casts a wistful eye and flaps its wings
And tries to fly, but not really

For it’s fairly content with the stage that it’s in
But it isn’t the duck that it might have been.

Prayer Needs This Week…

  • Safety for the kids/leaders returning from the road trip on Wednesday
  • Tru Yamamoto, prostate surgery this Friday
  • Shari Yamamoto – trip to Malawi coming up; safe travel and fruitfulness
  • Elizabeth Swellen – surgery on Friday for a brain aneurism
  • Family member in our church struggling with alcoholism
  • A family in Arizona that has been under terrific spiritual warfare

Praying for the high school kids/leaders just before they left for their road trip. 

Finally, it’s God’s desire to comfort all who mourn, to heal the brokenhearted, to liberate captives, release those who are bound, to give beauty for ashes, the oil of joy in the place of grieving, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that all of you might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. (Isaiah 61:1-3)

Have a faith-filled week.

Pastor Jay