Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Thrilling Victory to Seeming Defeat 8/23/16

Study in Acts: I’ve had lots of requests for the power point from Sunday’s message a week ago. Here it is with the introduction…

In Acts 11:19- 28, God releases a mighty revival in Antioch. Large numbers believed and many turned to the Lord. Barnabas and Saul of Tarsus connect, mentoring the believers in the church and it grew even more. Disciples were made. The meetings were on-fire. The whole city was impacted. There was a buzz everywhere. God was alive and moving and acting and miracles were taking place. Prophets came on the scene, words from God were given, supernatural wisdom was imparted and great joy abounded. Oh how we love those times.

But we need to understand. they don’t last. They never last. It’s not the way of life in this fallen and flawed world. For every day there’s a night. For every mountain top there’s a valley. For the thrill of victory there will be an agony of defeat. We will rejoice in gain but we will also suffer loss. There’s the joy of life coming forth but then the bitterness of death.

When Life Moves From Acts 11 to Acts 12
From Thrilling Victory to Seeming Defeat 

What Is Our Response?

  1. We are not to be caught off guard when trials come; we are realistic about life; we understand there are going to be good days and there are going to be some really tough days; we are not surprised when trouble hits (John 16:33)
  2. We face these tough days head-on and we do not fall apart; we don’t retreat; we don’t run from our problems; or self-medicate; there’s a battle going on and we’re in it and we need to be strong (Ephesians 6:10)
  3. We know there’s an enemy that we are at battle with; his strategies can always be seen; the enemy seeks to divide, separate, confuse, discourage us, get us to lose heart, isolate us, and draw us into self-pity (John 10:10)
  4. We need each other; we need those whom we trust standing with us; arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder; you don’t win battles alone; God has created the church to be at times an army; we go on the offensive, not staggering around on the defensive, muttering how bad life is (Acts 12:5)
  5. We take our weapons of warfare and move ahead. What are they? Prayer, fasting, faith, worship, perseverance (1 Chronicles 20)
  6. We rejoice when there’s a victory; but if no victory comes, we regroup and keep going; The Christian life is not about always winning. You are going to suffer some defeats. There will be heartbreak and disappointment. But we stay true to God no matter what. (2 Timothy 4:7)
  7. We believe that every trial, difficulty, conflict, all suffering is used of God to mold us into the image of Christ. God does not waste anything that comes our way. He uses it all for our good especially when we have no clue what is going on. God is there and God is faithful. (Romans 8:28)

No wonder the high schooler’s love the road trips that Pastor Sam and his leaders plan

Prayer Focus This Week… 

  • Full recuperation from surgery for Tru Yamamoto and Elizabeth Swellen
  • Mark and Tami Riley, worship leaders in Kauai, who have led worship here at Little Church, lost their son Lucas on Saturday, killed by a drunk driver in San Diego. Heartbreaking and tragic.
  • Matt Collin’s wife Mary, undergoing cancer removal from her lower eye lid on Thursday, and receiving ocular reconstruction afterwards. A delicate surgery. Pray against any fear in Mary and a quick recuperation as she is a school teacher.
  • The Lotze’s safe return to the Middle East and fruitfulness in their ministry in the years ahead.
  • A good final week for the artists and festivals in Laguna
  • Eddie Kitchen, cycling in Italy and France; safety and protection
  • Supernatural healing for Geoff Thompson, Taffy Eagle, Denise de la Torre, Dorrie Skadal, David Kessner. Robbie O., Debbie D., and others
  • Kids going back to school; a safe school year, using much wisdom in dealing with the current permissive culture
  • Pray a wedding ring is found that is important to one of our attenders
  • Single moms or dads who find raising kids challenging

Especially for those who have suffered loss, may God be very close.
