Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Stress Reduction 10/25/16

Feeling stressed? Maxed out? Struggling in life? Got some anxiety? Read below for some help from writer Terese Vanier

“Ten Commandments of Stress Reduction

  1. Thou shall NOT be perfect, nor even try to be.
  2. Thou shall NOT try to be all things to all people.
  3. Thou shall leave things undone that ought to be done.
  4. Thou shall NOT spread thyself too thin.
  5. Thou shall learn to say ‘NO’
  6. Thou shall schedule time for thyself; and thy supportive network.
  7. Thou shall switch off and do nothing regularly.
  8. Thou shall be boring, untidy, inelegant, and unattractive at times.
  9. Thou shall NOT feel guilty
  10. Thou shall NOT be thine own worst enemy but be thy best friend

Love some of these. Don’t completely agree with a couple. But it’s fun to thing about each one.


From Youth Sunday, Five Years Ago L-R – Suzanne Mabie, Grace Wellsfrey, Tessa Mansour, Millie Young, Eden Young; Suzanne, Tessa and Eden are all first year students in college; Grace is a senior in high school and Millie a freshmen. Just outstanding young ladies. Photo: Mary Hurlbut

Prayer Focus This Week…

  • Alex Phillip’s 12 year old nephew Kyle battling 104 fever and serious infection
  • Daisy Mae, still in the hospital with heart issues, undergone four procedures involving pacemeakers
  • Safe Halloween for all the kids, coming up next Monday
  • Gary & Lisa Arthur and Dave Day leaving this week for the Oxaca Pastor’s Conference
  • Pray for Sage and Sierra Woodward, 8th grade twins over the passing of their mom last Thursday


Love this photo of young Thai children praying in a meadow

A Blue Card Prayer: “I am asking God for something very big this morning. That He would visit all whom I love and reveal more of Himself.”

May contentment be your portion this week.

Pastor Jay  Psalm 103