Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Final 2016 Message 12/27/16

And now my last message of 2016 which I believe it is the most important. Our greatest treasure is knowing God, surrendering our lives to the One who gave His life for us. Our next greatest treasure is knowing each other – friendship, growing into a deeper connection and genuinely caring for one another. As these relationships grow so does what is most needed – love. It’s what matters most in life.

I see many of you at Little Church every week and I am blessed, but I also enjoy a heart connection with those in other places – around this nation and the world. And I am humbled, and so grateful, for the love we all share. As 2016 winds down and 2017 is about to begin, may our love for one another grow ever stronger.

Such amazing people at Little Church; a photo by Mary Hurlbut taken awhile back on a Youth Sunday.

Services This New Year’s Weekend: Sunday Morning, January 1, 10 am, one service only (with baptisms); Sunday Evening, January 1, 6-8 pm, Special Worship Service to begin 2017; Monday Morning, January 2, 8-9 am, Corporate Morning Prayer on the fire road between Moulton Meadows Park and TOW (where we have our Easter Sunrise Service; dress warm).

Shared This Letter in Our Christmas Service: “My name is Robert __________. I write from Soledad Prison. Until eleven months ago I’d lost over a decade to opiate abuse. Several times I tried to quit but then found Christ and surrendered to Him. I believe God allows us to stumble and it is then we find Him. Had I not been addicted to heroin, I don’t know if I would have found the path to my salvation. Because of Jesus, I am sober today.

Being active in a 12-step AA program, I am currently working step 9, making amends. Once I started writing to the multitude I’ve wronged, I realized I didn’t have enough postage to mail all the letters. I am reaching out to a couple of churches near my home. I am from all over Orange County. If you have it in your heart, please, would you help me with a book or two of postage stamps? I don’t seek any money, just  stamps, to write 30-35 more letters to people I’ve hurt. I’ve finalized 21 so far. Thank you. I have learned that receiving Christ does not mean my life is suddenly perfect. It means I can worship my Creator now and one day enjoy the beauty of heaven for all eternity. And it means, I am no longer stumbling through life alone.”

Postscript: “Dear Pastor: I received the two books of stamps and cannot begin to tell you how HUGE of a help this is for me. To date, I’ve completed 37 letters to make amends with people from my past. Sending you my most sincere gratitude.”

A captivating photo by Mary Hurlbut, capturing the late afternoon Laguna sky, silhouetted by our church cross.

Prayer Focus This Week: Just one request to end the year – that our love for God and each other would continue to increase.

On Prayer: “The Lord is listening and stands ready to answer our prayers. He does not sleep or take a vacation. He is never tired, absent-minded or too busy to hear our pleas. The prayers of His children are melodious music to His ears. He is waiting to hear your prayer right now. Scripture says, “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” (Matthew 21:22) – Isaac Kubvoruno

Thanking God for all He did in our lives in 2016. Looking forward to the adventure of 2017. Happy New Year!

Pastor Jay