Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Faith Stretched 1/17/17

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones.” Psalm 116:15

 Miracles During Her Passing: The message below is from Kelly Mestakides. She and her family are a beloved part of Little Church. Some of you on the crisis prayer team have read this extraordinary account but most of you haven’t. It’s been slightly edited for length….

“Church family, I/we can’t thank you enough for praying for my beautiful niece! We want to let everyone know that Brenna has passed into heaven and is now with the Lord. THOUSANDS have prayed for her. Hearts were stirred! Our faith was stretched to the max! I have to tell you, I am in awe of how God moved upon our HUGE family this last week! Although He allows us to be a part of the process in having us pray-and boy did our faith get stretched as we prayed VERY BOLD prayers in His name-we knew he had the ultimate decision.

Our family is closer to God like never before and we praise Him for who He is! The incredible peace and strength that Brenna’s mom, dad and husband displayed could only be explained by God’s grace and love for them. It has been such a beautiful testimony of the Lord to our family! In fact, as we were saying our “see you laters” to Brenna, 3 of our family members accepted Christ in her hospital room!!  2 more earlier in the week!

We will continue to thank the Lord for our time with her on this earth, but we have comfort in knowing we will see her again. For now, her spirit will live on in her beautiful, precious daughter Kaia  ****Brenna is 1 of 5 siblings, 1 of about 28 cousins on just my side.  She has some 20 aunts and uncles, grandparents, a loving husband and beautiful parents!

Can you imagine 50 plus people praying in a circle in the waiting room at Mission Hospital?! That’s just a glimpse into those she leaves behind and who have been impacted by her inner and outer beauty!”

“Be angry but do not sin. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger.” Eph 4:26

Prayer Needs This Week (thanks for taking some time to pray over these)

  • Alex Phillip’s daughter Jacqueline who has been in and out of the hospital with a bulging disc in her neck
  • Peaceful conclusion to the racial incident in Laguna last month
  • Prayer over the transition of power in our nation this week
  • From Laurel Sternberg in Israel: “We have just heard of two more believers who were killed for their faith. This brings to a total of eight those who are known to have been killed for their faith within the last year.
  • Full healing this year for David Kessner and Geoff Thompson from Lyme’s disease
  • Almost 60 junior higher/leaders attended Forest Home Winter Camp last weekend. Pray that all God did in their lives might me sealed in their hearts.
  • Pastors/Elders and spouses
  • Bruce and Linda Ungerland – ministry trip to Thailand next week

Final Thought: Put your full trust in God no matter what. We are to walk by faith not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7
