Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Two Worlds Colliding 3/21/17

It’s been awhile since I’ve driven through the desert but I did Sunday morning, heading for Centinela State Prison with Bill Devin. I’d forgotten how beautiful the desert can be, especially at sunrise. It feels like another world, the stillness very welcomed by me, such a stark contrast to the hectic environment I usually experience.

Centinela, located right at the American/Mexican border in the Imperial Valley, is a men’s-only state prison of about 3000 inmates. All are incarcerated due to serious felonies, many with life sentences. Bill serves as a chaplain there and has encouraged me to come with him for many months. Sunday was the day.

We ministered in two services, both running over three hours, the men enjoying every second that they’re together. In a place where the men tend to segregate – Latinos, African-Americans, whites, often in gangs, the services are a rare diversity of all three groups intermingled and growing to love one another. It is a powerful witness to others in the prison,

Forty men came to the morning service, all level-four inmates, meaning each one had committed a murder. But their lives had been transformed by Christ and my heart was deeply touched to witness the transformation. It was a wonderful service and right afterwards six men were bapitized in a make-shift canvass baptismal.

About 45 level-three inmates attended the afternoon service, men who had committed serious other crimes. This meeting had its own worship team. Bill and I both spoke as we did in the morning service. But as we started to leave for another baptism, we learned the prison was on lock-down, meaning there was a major problem somewhere.

After a rather long wait we assembled outside and baptized 12 more men. About 75 inmates sang praise songs exuberantly as we dunked each one. Really a special time, these men with tats everywhere, including gang names, dedicating their lives fully to Christ.

As we were leaving, we thanked a group of officers nearby. It was then we learned the reason for the afternoon lockdown. There had been a brutal stabbing with the victim dying. Stunning. Two worlds colliding on a Sunday, light and darkness, good and evil, God and Satan, battling for the lives of men.

“Prayer Needs This Week…

  • Upcoming high school girls retreat to Yosemite, led by our intern Aubrey
  • My brother-in-law Mark, recovering from open heart surgery and a couple of side effects.
  • Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Interns
  • Lent services continue to be as sweet as they’ve been
  • Wisdom for high school seniors at Little Church to choose the right college

Scripture to Mediate Upon: “For though the Lord is exalted, yet He regards the lowly, but the haughty He knows from afar.” Psalm 138:6

Final Thought: “Be patient with yourself, God is.”  Edith Stein

Pastor Jay