Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Starving Kids 3/28/17

Rebellious kids are a problem in Laguna, so are parents who placate them from a young age, not taking them to church on Sundays and often investing more time and resources in their worldly pursuits, without balance in their spiritual development.  We would not think of starving our kids of food, but I am amazed at how many parents do not want to “force” spiritual food by regularly attending Sundays. Then they wonder why the kids see no value in it when they are young adults?  Two Scriptures stick out in my mind which were an immense help to us from an older Ohio couple who reached out to us when we were young parents.

Proverbs 4:23  “Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of life”
Proverbs  22:6  “Train up a child in the way he should go, and he will not depart from it”

We read to the kids when they were little and talked about God in everything, science and sports included, but this is most easily done at a young age.  We always told the kids, “On the days you don’t feel like going to church, and we all have those days, go for the encouragement of someone else, be a light”.

Prayers to the parents struggling with this, prayers for strength and courage too.

** Thank you to Chelsea Loomis for this much needed insight

Prayer Needs This Week…

  • Comfort for Elizabeth Grieve whose husband Tom who died last week
  • Glen Totten ministering in Mosul, Iraq
  • Sawdust glassblower Gavin Heath undergoing open heart surgery
  • Healing from Lyme’s disease – Geoff Thompson, David Kessner, Fee Daggett
  • Fernando Micheli – healing from chronic back pain

** I have seen many beautiful Laguna sunsets over the years but this photo, taken by Greg Sowle, is especially stunning.

From a Lenten Prayer
: “Instead of refusing to accept God’s will, especially when it is harsh, say, “Thy will be done!” Give yourself over to unbounded acceptance of the plan that has been mapped out for you.”

Finally: “In the Kingdom of God, there are no great men or women of God, just humble men and women whom God has chosen to greatly use.”  Francis Frangipane

Pastor Jay