Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A Needed Metamorphosis 6/6/17

“I urge you brethren by the mercies of God to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service of worship and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”  Romans 12:1,2

We’ve looked at Romans chapter 12 the past two Saturdays during morning prayer. The Spirit of God in verse one is appealing to us to make a decisive dedication of our lives to God and not just once, but over and over. The Greek tense here means to “keep presenting yourselves to God.” It’s more than a one-time presentation. It’s daily, a reminder that we are not our own but we have been purchased by God. This is the reasonable thing to do, it’s an intelligent dedication as the Amplified puts it. In other words, it’s the smartest decision you’ll ever make.

The focus in verse two is the transformation of our minds. Fashioned for years by this world and the values of the world, our minds need to be recalibrated. The Greek word for transformed is “metamorphoo” from where we get the word metamorphosis, which is a complete refashioning. A good picture of this is the extraordinary changing of an unattractive worm into a beautiful butterfly. Likewise, there must be a radical transformation in the inner person for the believer to live rightly in this fallen world. Man’s word’s won’t do this. Only one thing will deeply transform your mind and it’s the Word of God. Meditation on the Scriptures is what renews your mind. You start thinking God’s thoughts, not man’s.

The result of completely dedicating yourself to God and having a transformed mind is thrilling – it’s discovering the will of God. And I would venture to say, there could be no greater discovery.

The amazing kids at Little Church with Eva Ford holding the mic

With joy and enthusiasm, Ryah Arthur teaches us Psalm 23 last Sunday

Blast From the Past: Clarke Brogger hugging Spencer Collins five years ago

Prayer Focus This Week…

  • Fonda Siering’s mother passed today. Comfort needed for such a big loss.
  • Bobbi Boyd – restoration from major hip dislocation
  • Kit Van Rennsaler, healing from a broken leg and other major health issues
  • Erica Smith’s granddaughter Kai – impaired hearing
  • Kelly & Kevin Spencer, Beverly Blumenfeld’s niece and husband – health failing
  • Glen Totten – ministry in Uganda; help for 250,000 Sudanese refugees
  • Suffering in London due to Islamic terrorism
  • Mary Deane’s granddaughter Annabelle – recovery from car accident
  • Jill Ludloff, friend of the Fleming’s, successful treatment of leukemia
  • Sally Ellis – fruitful art workshops in Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Kori Kelso’s beloved friend Stephanie – loss of her teenage son
  • Serious child custody issue with one of our attendee’s

Special Request: A daughter walking away from the Lord, make really poor choices, breaking the heart of a mom.

Really appreciate you praying this week; So many are facing huge challenges.

Pastor Jay