Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Full of His Glory 6/20/17

The Glory of God: If you ever wondered what angels say in heaven, Isaiah chapter 6 tells us. In verse three we read that the angels of heaven, unendingly stunned by the wonder and awe of God, are constantly calling out to one another, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of His glory.” Yes, the earth is full of His glory, the heavens are full of God’s glory and the universe reflects the glory of God. Everywhere you look you see the glory of God.

In the mornings I look out the window in the Upper Room and I see the glory of God – Mrs. Perez’s beautiful bougainvillea, towering palm trees across Legion Street, and an amazing Laguna skyline in the distance. Sometimes, if I listen closely I can hear God’s glory, the crashing of waves breaking upon Main Beach.

Take a moment and think. What do you find to be truly beautiful on this earth? What captures your heart when you look at it. What do you see as beauty. What do you think is gorgeous, spectacular, wondrous, awesome, breath-taking. These things are full of glory.

Glory is the beauty of God. Glory is His perfection. Glory is the majesty and splendor of God. Glory is God’s excellence. God’s glory is seen in the brilliance and brightness of the sun. In mighty mountains. In the magnificence of animals. In the surging power of the ocean. In the vastness of the universe. Everywhere there is something beautiful there is the glory of God.

A Stunning Video of God’s Glory:

Another view of God’s Glory: The temple of sky, Iceland

Prayer Need This Week…

            One Huge Prayer Focus: This week I am encouraging us to pray for our nation, one great overriding need that the hostility, anger, separation, and division that is devastating this country would end. That in the differences of our views and loyalty to the separate political parties there would arise a respect and grace that is not to be found at the present. A nation divided will never heal. And oh, how much we need healing in this country.  

 Pastor Jay