Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Do I Need To Be Nicer To My Wife?

Fairly challenging week everyone. Lost our credit card that is on-file with just about every important area of our life. Have looked and looked. No card. Asked the Upper Room prayer people to pray. And specifically Robin, who has a gift in praying for people who’ve lost something, and so often the missing item is found. But not this time.

Then on Monday my computer blew up. Which is why this letter is later than usual. At least nothing was lost. And I’m grateful for how quickly my computer people secured a new one. Finally, I’ve been trying to get our Saab to pass the required California smog check and cannot do it. Some computer issue in the car that has glitched. The prayers for this have also gone unanswered.

Do you think I’m a little frustrated? Disappointed? Wondering why God has been silent? Wondering if there’s something in me that has stymied God answering. Am I looking at my cell phone too long? Spending too much time in the sports section? Need to be nicer to Nikki? Voted for Donald Trump? Do I like the Sawdust too much? Was it uttering a bad word in the car the other day? Haven’t fasted in a long time? No clue what it is. None.

So that leaves the mystery of prayer. Sometimes God answers. Sometimes God doesn’t answer. And He has His reasons. You just need to accept it by faith.

So what to do now? I am just going to keep praying because there’s a verse in Luke 18:1 that tells me so. It says “not to lose heart but to pray always.” So that’s what I’ll do. But to be really honest with you, I’ve lost a little heart in all this. It’s been grueling. However, I’m confident in a few days I’ll gain most of it back.

Loved this video, showing how hard work, practice and perseverance pays off.
“A Wee Bike Ride in Scotland” [Stay with it until the end, even when it looks like it’s over] macaskills-wee-day-out

** thanks to Tanya Clauson for sending this

Prayer Need This Week – just a very important one – for all the kids, teens, college students, teachers, and parents of students to have a really great school year, staying close to God each and every day.

Light beams down in an ancient church in Milan Italy

Eclipse is courtesy of Sally Antioch.

Pastor Jay