Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

The Pain of Rejection 11/22/17

First in a Series….

 It was the last practice before Christmas break and I was sprinting down the court for a layup with teammate George Pelletier hot on my heels. I angled for the basket, went up to lay the ball off the glass, when suddenly George crashed into me, sending me headlong onto the gym floor. I came up swinging and the two of us slugged it out before being separated. It was my junior year in high school and I definitely was a hot-head. Bad move. A few days later coach Tom kicked us both off the team.

My mom said I never recovered from the suspension, the rejection of that coach. I loved basketball more than anything at that time of my life, and now it was gone. I soon plunged into a depression, then rebellion to authority, followed by years of acting out. I can still feel the pain of it all. The coach didn’t even talk with us. Just posted a notice in the locker room. I was stunned. Literally. I felt robbed. And for years struggled with anger/hate.

I don’t think there is anything tougher to bear, more difficult to cope with, more debilitating than rejection. But I’ll tell you this, every single one of you have suffered from it. Experienced the grief and pain of not being wanted. Heard words like these: “I don’t love you anymore.” Or “I’ve found someone else.” Or “Sorry, you don’t make the grade, you’re not good enough.”

The sting of rejection can persist for a long time. It can be numbing and heartbreaking. Perhaps you once thought I’m going to be with this person for the rest of my life. And then it all blows up as you discover there’s someone else. Or drugs and alcohol replace you. Whatever it is, you suffer full, gut wrenching rejection.

You’re in good company, by the way. No one was rejected more than Jesus and He’s still being rejected. Said the prophet Isaiah: “He was despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; like one from whom men hide their face, He was rejected, not esteemed of men.”  Isaiah 53:3

More on rejection next week.

Writing Again: It’s been six weeks since I’ve written. Nikki and I took a two-week cruise in mid-October and then two days after returning home, I was flattened by some kind of nasty virus that took me out for a full month and I’m still not completely over it.

Atheism challenged(an awesome video; don’t miss it):

Sending you a Happy Thanksgiving Wish

Prayer Focus This Week…

A really happy and stress-free Thanksgiving for EVERYONE

  • God’s grace for the lonely, especially those who have lost a loved one this past year
  • Excellent sales for artists in the Sawdust Festival Winter Fantasy
  • Healing for Kit Van Rennsaler
  • Karyn Brown’s brother Greg, surgery Friday
  • Teaching in the Gospel of Luke

** Note: Morning prayer takes place Thanksgiving Day from 8-9 am in the Upper Room. It’s a great place to begin Thanksgiving. If you’ve never been, I invite you to join us. You may come at any time during the hour.

Finally: “I thank my God in all my remembrances of you.”  Philippians 1:3

Pastor Jay