Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Golden Splendor and Blazing Light 5/9/18

“Out of the north comes golden splendor and blazing light; God comes in awesome majesty. The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in His justice and great righteousness, He does not oppress. Therefore men revere Him, yet God does not have regard for those conceited in heart.” Job 37:22-24

This is one of the most beautiful passages in all Scripture. It’s an jewel right at the end of Elihu’s discourse. The Holy Spirit filled him to speak such stirring words. My heart sings to hear God described as coming in “golden splendor and blazing light.” This is nothing other than the Shekinah glory of God, the brilliance of the transcendent One, the radiance of He who fills the universe. No wonder the hosts of heaven never cease to worship and glorify God.

Prayer Focus This Week…

Country of the WeekIndonesia, where a major move of God is taking place in the most populous Muslim nation on earth, including among political leaders

On Prayer – “To pray is to cast off your burdens, it is to tear away your rags, it is to shake off your diseases, it is to be filled with spiritual vigor, it is to reach the highest point of Christian health.” Charles Spurgeon

How Prayer Works – “If we do our part, God does His part.”  Paul Ai

Current Needs…

  • Paul Hester, fighting stage two lymphoma
  • Judy Nazemi – her sister passed last week
  • Sam Ellis – preparations as he leaves for Mozambique in three weeks
  • Emerging church plant in Myanmar
  • Noorie – prodigal daughter of a Kenyan pastor
  • Pray for Paul Ai and Mel Tari who both spoke at our church this week
  • Bonnie and Marcia on trips back east
  • Increase in effective and fruitful prayer
  • Pastors, Elders and Spouses
  • Moms: Thanking God for our moms; blessing all of you who are moms

Sending affection to all of you…Jay