Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

God Believes in You 9/11/18

Departing: Nikki and I leave for Ireland this Saturday,  a country we love to visit, so this is the last prayer letter till October. To begin this week I want to share a very sweet excerpt from an encouraging email sent by our dear brother Gil Delinger…

            “A big thank you to the people of this wonderful body of believers. Over the past number of years I have been to 8 different churches for at least a period of time in each case. None came close to this church, not even close. This church has great preaching, deeply stirring studies, caring fellowship at all levels, and treats men and women and children with great care. It has a very dynamic children’s and missions program, as well as prayer and quiet time offered every morning. And for generations of people the music is fabulous and worship is always energized.  It also has surfers!  What more could you ask.”

A Song From Psalm 27 – I love songs straight from Scripture. They’re the kind of worship songs I sang during the Jesus Movement in the 1970’s, verses and sometimes entire Psalms put to music.

A Reminder: from the message two weeks ago from Luke 12:35-48, parallel verses on being spiritually ready, sober-minded, watching, making sure you and I don’t drift from the Lord.

 God’s Call To Stay Alert

 Awake O sleeper and arise from the dead and Christ shall shine upon you, giving you light. Be careful how you walk, not as the unwise but the wise, making the most of your time because the days are evil. And do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord. Do not be drunk with wine for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit.” Ephesians 5:14-18

“Do not sleep as others do, but keep wide awake, alert, watchful, cautious, on your guard and let us stay sober.” 1 Thessalonians 5:6

 “The end of all things is at hand, therefore, be of sound judgment, alert and sober, for the purpose of prayer.”  1 Peter 4:7

“Be sober of mind, alert, vigilant, and cautious at all times, for your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”  1 Peter 5:8

 “Therefore be on the alert for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.” Matthew 24:42

 All Day Wednesday Prayer: We start All Day Prayer in one-hour slots starting the first Wednesday of October. If you would like to take an hour, where you can enjoy a time of quiet devotion and alone time with God, let me know. I have late morning slots open right now.

            ** Here’s a message from Mary Hurlbut concerning her hour on Wednesday last year: “During my devotions this week the theme has been Sabbath and I realized why the Wednesday prayer time has become so precious to me. It is my Sabbath Rest, a time to just spend time with God!

Prayer Focus: One overriding prayer need is the startup of school. We prayed over some 20 + teachers last Sunday that God would bless their year. Besides the teachers, pray for all our students, that they would experience a safe, productive, successful and happy school year and stay close to the Lord.

From Bill Devin
, an excerpt from another recent email…

“About three years ago a young ex-marine, Daniel, 24 years old, started going to Centinela state prison with us about twice a month. Gradually he learned to give the Sunday message to the chapel. After about a year and a half he came across an opportunity to work with Campus Crusade for Christ with their CRU Ministry – Campus Crusade’s Ministry that goes to the military. Daniel begin working with the chaplains at Camp Pendleton and they let him use an empty office. In a few months Daniel begin to remember when he was in Boot Camp in San Diego. About 2,000 “Boots” were busy 24/7 – but with the exception of some down-time on Saturday mornings. From personal experience, Daniel knew of the Boots strong need for the Lord. As he had learned the basics of running a chapel service at Centinela, he decided to offer a church service on Saturday mornings to the Boots. By only the second week 5oo to 600 men were coming to this new “Boot church.” Daniel had stepped out in faith, not knowing where his boots would take him.”

*** Bill – great job of mentoring Daniel

Finally – we also blew the trumpet last Sunday in our service, the eve of Rosh Hashanah, the Hebrew New Year, also known as the Feast of Trumpets. We join with them in blessing Israel and praying for the peace of Jerusalem.

Pastor Jay