Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A Debilitating Problem 10/30/18

One of the most debilitating spiritual problems is performance-based Christianity, attempting to gain God’s approval by “being good.” And we think God is pleased with us because we’ve been performing well. But if we happen to sin or fail, we quickly plunge into discouragement, convinced we have displeased God and now He is unhappy with us.

We have been programmed by life to feel this way. When we were young we tried to please our parents. Then we tried to please our teachers. Then our coaches, our employers and finally our spouses. This is how it often went. When we did well, we received a ton of affirmation but when we failed we often received disapproval or criticism. Love was often withdrawn by authority figures when we failed. We ended up feeling lousy, beating ourselves up, feeling guilt and shame.

Just to let you know, God is not like us. God never withdraws His love. When we fail, His love is often even more pronounced, meeting our hearts with compassion and grace. This is clearly seen in the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). God knows we want to do right but understands our weakness. God is constantly working in our lives to grow and change us but it is a life-long process. He is merciful, patient and gracious. And His love is set on your life. It does not ever change, no matter what. You can never earn God’s love and you can never lose it. What a relief!

The candlelight vigil held Sunday night at Main Beach, organized by local musician Jason Feddy, remembering the Pittsburg Synagogue shooting victims. Photo by Mary Hurlbut

Tricia Reis (L) and Heather McFadden (R) hugging at the Women’s Harvest Dinner last Friday night. 
Photo by Greg Sowle

 Prayer Needs This Week…

  • Pray for our nation
  • Pray for our nation some more
  • Pray for the Jewish community in America, reeling from the shootings
  • Local artist Anne England passed away today; pray comfort of her family/friends
  • The memorial for the mother of Alex Philips on Wednesday
  • Healing – Michael, Don, Troy, Sonja (Friend of Rhonda Ellis), David K., Lynda, Linda

 Verse to Contemplate: “We always ought to pray and not lose heart.” Luke 18:1

Finally: “If you want God to open and close doors, let go of the knob.”

Pastor Jay