Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Salad Bar Christians 7/8/19

“I think I’ll get a salad,” I said to myself and pulled into the Whole Foods parking lot. They have an awesome salad bar and inside I started down the line. Hmm, spinach for a starter. Cucumbers. Chopped green onions. A little quinoa. Yes on olives. Some salsa. Pecans. Cheese, croutons, and a dash of olive oil. Yum. Tasty and only $5.

Did you know there are Salad Bar Christians, melding together a lot of curious practices, choosing what they like, but sometimes irrespective of what Scripture might say. A little of this and a little of that. A dash of Bible reading. A few prayers. A little Zen Buddhism here, and a little Hinduism (think yoga) there. Maybe church once a month. Dabbling in this and dabbling in that.

Crystal-healing sessions, fortune telling, a little astrology, a tad of magic, medium readings, spiritism, burning sage, reiki, healing stones. “What’s twinkling to you?”

There is, of course, personal conviction in dealing with these issues. What’s good for one is not good for the other. What bother’s the conscience of me might not bother your conscience. There is liberty in Christ. But if you understand the spiritual aspects for much of the list above, it’s wise to stay away from it. And Scripture commands us to steer clear of fortune telling, mediums, astrology (Leviticus 19:31; 20:6-8; Isaiah 47:12-15) . And the Bible is also clear about compromise. We should avoid it. So what is the answer?

God calls us to a consecrated and consistent life in Christ. Total surrender to the Lordship of Christ is our call. Which means surrender. It’s about God’s will not ours. And then there’s this warning: “Pay close attention to what you have heard lest we drift from it.” (Hebrews 2:1) Drifting is a very slow process and before you know it you are a long ways from home.

Salad Bar Christians. Be careful you’re not one.

Prayer Focus This Week….

  • Kelly Viszolay whose numbers are improving as she undergoes chemo
  • Pastor Sam, who announced his resignation last week from Little Church; pray for his future; I know no finer young man than Sam.
  • Taylor, our new youth summer intern.
  • Combined High School/Jr High youth groups this summer (every Tuesday)
  • Nate Ellis attending Harvest Ministry School in Africa
  • Upcoming VBS, starting next Monday (130 kids signed up so far)
  • Felisha Dunne’s mother and father, both facing health issues
  • Ana Kikerpill’s family; comfort over her passing; her service is at VCC on Friday, July 26 at 1 pm; Ana was such a treasure.

Congratulations: to Jeff over the release of his new book

Congratulations: to Matt and Brina Holley over the birth of a son – Darragh

Pastor Jay