Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

“Cancer Is Gone!” 9/17/19

My heart jumped when I received this text yesterday from Kelly Viszolay, “Cancer is gone from my lungs!” What tremendous news for Kelly to  hear. Such a huge relief. There is still more healing needed for Kelly so we shall keep praying. But I can’t tell you what it means to all who love her to hear these kind of results. Just last Wednesday Patty Tacklind texted me, “My dad is cancer free!” We had prayed for him over many weeks, joining with others, asking God to drive out the cancer and give him many more years.

Some of you may feel teaching, or evangelism, or reaching out to the poor is the most important aspect of pastoring and shepherding but I would say praying is where everything starts. So as much as I love to teach or take a trip to visit the poor in Thailand, its praying that drives my life as well as any church or any ministry. We pray at Little Church every day from 8-9 am and it is a lifeline of God’s grace. And may I say we’ve learned praying is not just going over a list but is all-inclusive, including worship, the Word, ministering to one another and, of course, lifting up needs.

        “And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles teaching, to fellowship, to the breaking of bread (eating together) and prayer. And everyone kept feeling a sense of awe and many signs and wonders were taking place through the apostles.”  Acts 2:42-43

Praying is about standing in the gap for one another. Holding each other’s arms up. Crying out to God when someone is too weak to do that on their own. To Bless. Encourage. Build one another up. To battle in the Spirit for the lives of others. To confront the powers of darkness through intercession and watch God release glorious victories.

So right now I am thinking of Dedre Bickler-Sines who is fighting to live after suffering a brain aneurysm last week. Baby Everett and the challenges he has faced since birth. Hudson Schilling in CHOC. Loren Hatlen without his beloved wife Virginia, Megan Hampton’s family/friends, Julie Rock, George Vardakostas who lost his mother last week, and David Kessner. May God reach down and touch each one deeply.

Prayer Focus This Week – Prayer for new youth pastor Taylor Shipley and the youth ministry starting up anew tonight with the High School group, followed on Thursday by the Junior High meeting.

Some reminders – Women in Leadership meeting this Sunday night at 7 pm; Men’s Retreat, October 4-6; Worship warriors for the kids, Wednesday afternoons; New Members Class, Sunday, October 27.

Finally: And Jesus said, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words I have spoken to you are Spirit and Life.”  John 6:63

Pastor Jay