Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Monday morning update: March 16

Hello church family,

We’re writing to let you know that as of this afternoon, we will be closing our church campus to all meetings and gatherings.  We are doing this in compliance with our governors recommendations, and out of a desire to exercise wisdom and prudence during this time.  It is so important that we aren’t merely looking out for our own safety and security, but also that of others, and especially those at greater potential risk.

If you fall into the category of those over 65, just know that you are so deeply valued and esteemed!  As Solomon writes, “Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness.”  We love you and would love to be of service and support in whatever way we can be.  If you would respond By contacting Monica Thompson at and let us know of any needs, we will be working to make connections and be a support.  If you’d like to offer help to anyone in this age category for groceries or assistance, respond as well to her and we’ll make sure our whole body is functioning well.

All of our studies and groups are now going to move to an online format.  Jay will be sending out morning prayers and keeping our intercessors connected.  We’ll be thinking through worship, children’s ministry, youth ministry, and deeper walk in hopes of providing continued places of connection and edification.

And our blue cards are now be updated daily and can be sent to

God bless you all, during this time.
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”

We love you!


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