Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Daily Prayer For Thursday, March 19, 2020

Daily Prayer Message

“Prayer at an early hour decides our day. Wasted time, temptations we yield to, lethargy at work, disorder in our thoughts, as well as personal interaction with others – all these frequently have their root in neglecting prayer in the morning.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer

I thought this quote from one of the most remarkable men in church history was especially pertinent for us. I have discovered that if I don’t start my day with prayer and some alone time with God, I can easily procrastinate, delay, or even forget to pray. This has been one of the great benefits in attending daily morning prayer. My day always began with a time of prayer and worship. Even this week I found myself lagging in staying home. So this message is definitely for me and you.

For Thursday, March 19

Suggested ScriptureLuke 18:1-14: I love the first verse of this section where Jesus says we should “never lose heart, but pray always.” And then gives us a pertinent example of persevering prayer. Finally, there is no more significant passage addressing the attitude of prayer than the parable of the Pharisee and tax collector in verses 9-14.

Our prayers ascend to the Lion and the Lamb, our King and Redeemer

Prayer Needs….

That God would end the coronavirus worldwide and stop the escalating spread in America.
For those with compromised immune systems and are more susceptible to the virus
For the estimated 20%, or more, of the American workforce predicted to lose jobs
Doctors, nurses, and assistants working tirelessly in the health profession
That many, struggling with fear and hopelessness, would turn their hearts to the Lord

Special Prayer: for Pastor Sam’s fiancé Rebecca, flying to the United States tonight from a missions trip in South Africa. That she will have no hindrances entering our country.

From a Friend: “I’m in isolation and liking it.”

Finally: “We are to exult in tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance, and perseverance proven character, and proven character, hope.” (Romans 5:3-4)

Pastor Jay