Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Don’t Hesitate; Prayer For Wednesday, March 25

Daily Prayer Message For Wednesday, March 25

 Please Don’t Hesitate

This morning I received the email below from a dear friend out of state. There’s a couple of significant issues I want to highlight in what she writes. First, she felt a little reticent to send me prayer requests as she knows I get a lot of them. However, nobody should feel shy about sending me prayer needs. That’s why this prayer letter is being written – to pray for you at a very crucial time. To intercede. To stand in the gap for those of you struggling. I understand there’s lots of needs out there but we will do what we can. Many people receive this prayer letter. There’s lots of spiritual firepower out there. Send me your requests and don’t hesitate.

Secondly, note the utter seriousness of her needs. A daughter pregnant four months but feeling ill. Her husband working in a hospital in respiratory, a most contagious place. And my friend herself starting to feel sick. We are likely to start getting a lot of virus-related and serious appeals. We need to be ready. But even more, know we can make a huge difference because prayer can radically change things.

“Dear Jay, I know there are a million prayers needed right now!  May I please ask for all of you to believe with me in prayer for my daughter who is 4 months pregnant and feeling virus symptoms.  Her husband works in a hospital as a respiratory therapist. Currently on administrative duty.  I too appear to be going through a minor case of the virus.  My daughter and I have not had contact because we live in different States.”

Scripture For Today – 2 Corinthians chapter 4 – giving us a true kingdom perspective when it comes to suffering and facing the tribulations of this life. Just an incredible, encouraging chapter.

 Prayer Focus on This Wednesday

  • The prayer requests shared above
  • Garrison – Gary & Toni Smith’s grandson, fighting cancer
  • Colleen Sullivan – also in a battle for her life with cancer
  • David Kessner/Geoff Thompson – serious Lyme’s disease
  • Baby Maddi Mae – born last week 1.6lbs; alive and doing well so far
  • The accelerated ending of the coronavirus worldwide
  • Tim Wilson – husband of Kristen, a firefighter exposed to the virus

Intercession joined together with heartfelt worship produces real prayer.  Rev 5:8

Living in God’s grace and covering…Pastor Jay