Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A note from your pastor: March 31, 2020

Hello, my friends!

Just checking in…how’re you all holding up out there?

Today we had our weekly check in time with the staff and it was wonderful to get a glimpse of each other’s faces.  I sure love our team and miss our times together praying in the upper room, but I know we’ll be back soon.  Until then, we’ll keep using technology in ways it was actually designed for…connection, and not distraction (maybe a little of both).

Each one of our pastors shared about dealing with times of anxiety in the past week.  It seems it is inevitable.  These anxious thoughts sneak in, often when we aren’t expecting.  I heard a friend recently refer to them as automatic negative thoughts.  In other words…ANTS.  They have this way of crawling around in our brains.  Irritating us to no end.

But King David shows us how to deal with them.  He offers his mind to God and tells Him to search it.  To try him to see if there are any anxious ways.  Because these ways are actually hurtful to us.  If left unchecked, pretty soon the ants are swarming our sink looking for water and water.

But when we invite God in, He has this was of fumigating our minds from the ants.  He fills us with peace.  He leads us in the everlasting way.  He replaces the irritations with a sense of peace.  Peace not as the world gives.  Peace that He alone can give.

I want to encourage you to find connection through one of the many points of connection occurring throughout our church body.  Most of our groups have figured out how to connect through Zoom.  Our Tuesday night men’s group is starting a week from today, so if you’d like that link, be sure to let me know.

And tomorrow night we’ll be having our Deeper Walk study happening through Zoom as well.  You can click the link here.  We’ll be meeting at 7PM and will be continuing on with the discussion from Sunday’s message. Hope you can join us!

Sure love you guys!  Keep leaning in!
