Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Exciting News! 4/1/2020

Daily Prayer Message, Wednesday, April 1, 2020

 Truly Exciting News

“The effectual fervent prayer of the righteous avails much” James 5:16

 Answers: God promised in about thousand places in Scripture to answer our praying. It’s been two weeks today, following the lockdown of the church, that I have sent out a daily prayer message which listed different needs each day. Many of you have faithfully prayed. And guess what? God has answered a bunch of those requests. It thrills my heart to share just a few…

A mother, worried to no end, that her daughter might not recover from serious illness, emailed me today she is much better; a good friend underwent breast cancer surgery yesterday and came through with flying colors; one of our members was fired from her home care job in really distressing circumstances. We prayed for a new client. She not only found a new client but in her own words, “The 92 year old lady I now care for is a joy.” Then another miraculous answer: “My elderly mother had the COVID virus but is now recovering safe at home. There is no reasonable explanation she should be alive given her age and compromised immune system…only God.

Take heart everyone. God is moving wonderfully in the midst of this difficult time. Keep praying. Keep believing. Keep lifting your loved ones up to God. Trust. Hope. Have faith. Press in. Don’t give up. Refuse to lose heart. Lift your eyes to the Glorious One, who specializes in miracles during the darkest of days. I am so grateful that in the most terrible storms of life, Jesus is always in the boat with us. And believe me, some of you are going to walk on water. There’s miracles coming in the midst of all this bad news.

Superb New Worship Song From Chris Tomlin

Wednesday’s Prayer Needs…

  • The prediction by health officials is there is going to be a major increase of the COVID-19 virus in the next two weeks. Pray instead there is a downturn.
  • A strong hedge of protection around all our loved ones.
  • Baby Asher Topper, full recovery from a bad fever; 3 year-old Xander, also high fever while fighting cancer, thus has a compromised immune system (mom truly terrified right now).
  • A heartbroken father who has two sons in severe crisis right now; out of confidentiality I need to keep the name private.
  • A few members of Little Church battling fear, anxiety, insomnia and loneliness

On behalf of Little Church’s pastoral staff, sending you all much love in Christ.

Pastor Jay