Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A note from your pastor: April 15, 2020

Hello my friends!

It is Easter week and today it definitely feels like spring.  A clear, bright morning with lots of birds chirping away outdoors.  It is a hard day to be inside.

I think quarantine is easier when it is wet and rainy outside.  Days like today beckon us to come out into the splendor and beauty of the day.  Hopefully each of you have some little corner where you can sit outside and bask in the warmth and get some much needed vitamin D from the sun.

Tonight at Deeper Walk we are going to be looking at the story of Jesus on the Road to Emmaus.  It is one of my favorites.  It is a story of the risen savior visiting a couple of his followers who are sad and distraught after his death.  He speaks to them of the greater story.  He helps them see that this was the plan all along.

And as Jesus turns to leave, they plead with him to stay.  And He does!  I love that part the most.  They want to offer him a meal, but instead he breaks the bread and serves them.  And their eyes are open.  And their hearts burn.

Wherever you are today, I want to encourage you to invite Jesus to stay with you.  Because he loves to be invited in.  He often waits until we do.  The book of Revelations tells us that He stands at the door and knocks.  And those are Christian hearts in that passage whose door he is knocking at.  And sometimes we forget that he desires to come in and dine with us at our table, in our home.

But Jesus doesn’t remain our guest.  No, instead he becomes the host.  He serves us the food our hearts most long for.  Love, and belonging, and peace, and hope.  May each of you, this day, receive the life-giving love of Christ.  And may it stay with you.  Open the door.

And I hope that tonight you are able to come to our Deeper Walk class at 7 pm.  Here’s the link.  [If you have any difficulties with that, shoot me a text at (949)280-9834]

Also, this coming Sunday we’re going to be beginning a journey of our own.  As each of us walk our own road to Emmaus, we need encouragement and food for the journey.  In the Psalms, there is a hidden hymnbook for pilgrims.  They are called the Psalms of Ascent and there are 15 of them…Psalm 120-134.  We are going to be looking at them one at a time and gleaning how worship and truth can give us strength on the journey. I hope you can join us!

Praying for each of you, that you will have a sense of God with you this week.  That you’ll savor the gift and power of the resurrection.  And that you’ll have a renewed hope for what is ahead.

Love you guys!