Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A Virtual Baptism, Mon 4/20

Weekly Prayer Message, Monday, April 20, 2020

 A Virtual Baptism

Her name is Candise which means “sparkling.” And it perfectly describes this young lady these days – sparkling with joy, shining with excitement, and carrying a newfound passion and love for God. She has made her way back to the Lord in recent weeks after straying for a while, but God specializes in bringing home His own when they have wandered off. God has done that for so many of you. He has done it for me.

Flush with an overwhelming sense of God’s grace, Candise wanted to be baptized. She had joined Robin and Alison’s Bible Study and mentioned this desire. Robin texted me and I said because of social distancing right now we would have to wait. But Candise felt strongly she needed to do it soon.

So, on Good Friday evening, at 7:15 pm, Robin led Candise in a virtual baptism. On her phone, Robin prayed for Candise as she sat into her bathtub, highlighting the significance of baptism, and then said, “I baptize you Candise in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” At that moment Candise submerged herself and came out of the water, newly baptized in Christ Jesus. As she did, both Robin and Candise burst into tears of joy.

Such an incredibly sweet moment. Something only God could do. In the midst of all the craziness we’ve been living under, God does something beautiful. Congratulations Candise. We are all so proud of you.

Mahalia Jackson – the voice of an angel –

Scripture of the Week: And Jesus said to His disciples, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”  Matthew 28:18-20

Prayer For This Week: That God would crush, annihilate, destroy, obliterate, exterminate, liquidate, eradicate, extirpate and utter defeat this wretched coronavirus once and for all.

And: For Marcia Shotzberger who lost her Uncle in New York to the virus Saturday morning

My New YouTube Video Link: Titled “What is Real Worship?”

Heard nothing but great reports over the years on the workshop below (click on the picture to find out more):

Final Exhortation: Stop watching too much news. If you don’t, fear, worry and anxiety are your portion.

May the love of Christ fill your hearts this week – Pastor Jay