Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

A Timely Miracle, Monday, April 27

Weekly Prayer Message, Monday, April 27, 2020

 A Timely Miracle

It’s tough being a renter. Anything can happen at any time, shaking your world. Maureen Smith has lived in a sweet little 1928 Laguna Beach cottage, 650 square feet with a lovely side yard, in one of the cutest neighborhoods in Laguna, the intersection of Catalina and Seaview. A few months ago her landlord suddenly passed, an artist I knew from the Sawdust who exhibited in the 1970’s. Maureen was told she must move soon, the family was putting the house on the market immediately. Really distressing news for Maureen who had no idea where to go.

We prayed that God would provide. But nothing. Real estate people started showing up in the yard, rattling her even more. Stressed to the max, she again implored the morning Zoom prayer group on Thursday to pray with increased urgency. We hit it hard, interceding for a long time, that God would show Himself mighty on her behalf. When I got home, I started writing her need in the daily prayer message.

Then the miracle came. An hour or so later Maureen found out Colin and Cottie Petrie-Norris had purchased the house. Cottie is the daughter of Peggy Hank, a beloved member of our church who passed a few years ago. Cottie also had won election to the California State Assembly, the 74th District, in 2018. Her husband Colin came by to speak to Maureen, telling her the house was in escrow. He also said she could stay in her home for at least a year. Their agent, Trevor Murphy had put a good word about Maureen to Colin. Here’s another connection – Trevor was coached by Bret Fleming in the late 1980’s and I covered Trevor’s basketball career for the local papers.

An extraordinary answer to our prayers had arrived. To say we were all overjoyed is an understatement. Emotions of those who love Maureen and had prayed that morning spilled over in group texts.

 “I’m staying in my home!!!” Maureen
“Everything we prayed for.”  Alex Phillips
“Wow, I am teared up. We just prayed a couple of hours ago.” Eddie
“A miracle. Our God is so amazing.” Shari Yamamoto
“I am so thrilled for Maureen.”  Kirsten Wilson
“What an absolutely, exceptional, beautiful, well-deserved miracle.” Robin
“Wonderful to get such good news in these times.” Sandy Davis
“Yay, God!!”  Bonfire
“I am so happy for you!!! God is our provider.”  Linda Jonason
“Rejoicing with you, beautiful Maureen.”  Marcia Shotzberger
“Whoa! What? It’s everything we asked God for.” Michelle Doherty
“Such incredible news.”  Me

Nothing quite as wonderful and warm as a cozy, cute cottage from 1928

Jay’s New YouTube Video:

Scripture This Week: “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. As high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love to those who fear Him.” Psalm 103:8,11

One Prayer Need This Week – that the shutdown, lockdown, stay-at-home directive would end, that all could safely return to their jobs, that stores and restaurants would reopen with the virus disappearing.

Love you all in the unending love of Christ Jesus – Pastor Jay