Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Going to the Beach, Thurs, 4/30

Daily Prayer Message, Thursday, April 30, 2020

Going to the Beach

So a man was driving down a country road and pulled up behind a truck hauling pigs. Suddenly one of the pigs fell out and landed on the road. Picking up the pig, the man sped off trying to catch the truck but a policeman stopped him for speeding. “Hey, he said, “Why are you driving so fast and what is that pig doing in your front seat?”

The man explained what happened. “Forget that truck,” the cop said. “Take that pig to the zoo just down the road.” The next day the policeman spotted the same car again and the pig was still in the front seat. “What’s going on here?” the cop asked. “I thought I told you to take that pig to the zoo.” Said the man. “I did and we had such a good time I’m taking him to the beach today.”

With all the brouhaha going on everywhere, I thought a joke might be appropriate today. Besides, I heard the joke from a J. Vernon McGee Thru the Bible Radio broadcast. I love listening to McGee teach the Bible. He’s a man with tremendous insights into the Word of God. Even after all these years I love his messages. His Southern drawl. His passion for God. And His courage to speak the Word with boldness.

Thursday’s Prayer Focus…

  • Anne Fenton is having surgery on her hand Thursday morning
  • Matt, a friend of a friend, recovery from serious surgery
  • Talked to someone today experiencing acute loneliness. Pray for those feeling the same.
  • Women’s Zoom prayer time.
  • Pray for the nurses/doctors who are a part of our church family. I can think of Brina Holley, Dianne Baskevitch, Debbie DeSimone, Theresa Plank, Kristen Wilson. And of course Monica Thompson and Chris Lins and Stephanie McClellan and Claus Hecht. Let me know of others I’ve missed.

Thursday’s Scripture:
 Love not the world, neither the things of this world. If anyone loves this world, the love of the Father is not in them. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and boastful pride of life is not of the Father but is of this world. And the world and its desires are passing away, but the one who does the will of God abides forever.”  1 John 2:15-17

May we all lift our hearts to God in complete confidence.  Pastor Jay