Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

An Astonishing Recovery 6/1/20

Weekly Prayer Message, Monday, June 1, 2020

 An Astonishing Recovery

On Wednesday, April 8, I wrote the following prayer need in my daily prayer message: “Nick – family member of Michelle Doherty, fighting to live.” He had contracted the coronavirus, had a compromised immune system, was elderly and the prospects for his recovery were dim. We started praying regularly for Nick as he remained critical for weeks. Then suddenly he experienced an extraordinary recovery, baffling everybody. Below is a letter he wrote to all those who prayed faithfully for him in morning prayer and from the church website …

“I don’t have adequate words to express my gratitude for your overwhelming love, concern and prayers during this storm. The intensive care and PT staff at the hospital were in awe over my quick recovery. Most of them conceded that this was nothing less than a miracle. Several times doctors would come just to look at me and marvel that I survived and recovered so fast. Most of them thought my next stop would be the morgue. I was their first COVID-19 patient and I survived.

Many told me that I was strong and a fighter. Tearfully I would tell them that I had no strength and had absolutely no control over the outcome. That my strength was otherworldly; from the same One who formed me in my mother’s womb and will take my hand and walk with me to the other side. I don’t know when that day will come but I have no fear.

Again, I am so thankful for your prayers, and, as you can see, God heard you.”  Nick de la Pina

New YouTube Video: “Laying A Strong Spiritual Foundation”:

Happy Pentecost Weekend: The word “Pentecost” in Greek means “fifty.” It is one of the three major feasts of Israel, taking place fifty days after Passover. But in the New Testament, Pentecost takes on a monumental meaning. The Holy Spirit is sent to the earth, the power of God is released, the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached by Peter with such anointing that 3000 people come to faith and the church in Jerusalem is born (Acts chapter 2). The presence of the Holy Spirit, the dunamis power of God, and the gospel proclaimed is the heartbeat of Christianity. These are the defining characteristics of the church and why many of us celebrated Pentecost yesterday.

“And suddenly a sound of heaven, like a mighty rushing wind.”

Prayer Focus This Week –

  • Pray with me for a new Pentecost in the church worldwide; a fresh release of the Holy Spirit’s power, a renaissance within the church, things coming that are new and out-of-the-box, and most importantly, the gospel of the Lord Jesus preached with clarity and unction, with an emphasis on repentance and a heartfelt response.
  • Deep healing for the African-American community from recent terrible events, an end to the violence now escalating within our nation, and peace within America among all ethnic groups.
  • The light of the Lord Jesus shining brightly in the darkness overwhelming our country.
  • Full healing for Monica Thompson’s son Jackson, ill in New York from COVID-19
  • Jill, a friend of one of our members, very sick with the virus in Yonkers
  • Healing for Melissa Nordell, multiple neck/back issues
  • Full restoration for Maureen Smith’s eye, following surgery
  • I am teaching the Book of Daniel at Vineyard Community Church’s Kingdom School, four Thursday evenings starting this week. Pray it will be fruitful.

Pastor Jay