Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Posts by admin

Blood Moon

Rebecca Faubion and her family moved to Austin, Texas over the summer. But before she left, Rebecca sent me a beautiful alphabetic poem with this note, “Pastor Jay – this came to me today as I was meditating on some Scripture. I thought you might appreciate it!”  I do and I thought I would share it with all of you, hoping you…

Dealing with Failure

Failure. We all experience it. The very best, the most together believer, the one who has walked with God for many years, they have all failed. Like Peter, denying the Lord three times. Like David, committing adultery and murder. Like Abraham, twice passing his wife off to Pharaoh as his sister in order to save his own skin. Of course there are all…

The Challenge of a Cell Phone

Where’s My Cell Phone? On Saturday afternoon Nikki and I took our six year-old grandson Dylan to see Ant-Man (a fun movie) at the Aliso Viejo theaters. I turned my cell phone completely off as I entered theater #5 and went straight to my seat where I did not move until the movie was over. When I stood up it dawned on me…

When Nothing Makes Sense

When Nothing Makes Sense Sometimes I wonder if we really understand some Scriptures that are very familiar to us. Like this one where Jesus says, “In this world you will have tribulation but take courage I have overcome the world.”  (John 16:33) If we really hear what Jesus is saying, we aren’t going to be surprised when trials, suffering and difficulties arrive. …