Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Posts by Greg Sowle

Where are we going? A note from your pastor

Where are we going? As a pastor and leader, I get asked this question all the time.  Usually, these days, it comes with a twinge of anxiety and worry.  It can feel a bit more like “where are you taking us?”  Which I do understand…with a future that feels unsure and a culmination of uncertainties all colliding at once, it doesn’t surprise me that we…

Urgent update from Pastor Jeff 01/02/21

Hello, my friends! Well, this isn’t quite the note I was hoping to write for the beginning of the New Year.  Usually, this is a time for resolutions and optimistic goal setting. It is about vision and looking forward.  But this has been the year of continual disruptions and disappointments for all of us, and it appears that it is spilling over into 2021.  Quite…

A note from your pastor: Oct 1, 2020

Hello, my friends! Did you know that throughout the history of the Jewish people, the Torah, or the first five books of the Old Testament, weren’t just recited and memorized, but sung?  Much like the Psalms, these words weren’t merely spoken but savored, like honey on the lips.  They were songs of hope and deep meaning.  They spoke…

A note from your pastor, Sept 23, 2020

Hello, my friends! Let me begin by saying just how wonderful it was to worship together in person this past Sunday morning.  To be together in our church worshipping together moved me to tears.  My friend, Biyan, turned around and said “I had no idea how much I missed this!”  I couldn’t agree more.  We’ll be meeting again…

Reopening Plans!

Hello, my friends! After six months of waiting, we are so excited to be meeting inside this coming Sunday morning 9/20 at our regular service times of 9 and 10:45!  What a strange season this has been!  But we rejoice that things are moving in a good direction and we will continue to move forward through these next…

A note from your pastor…and reopening plans!

Hello, my friends! How are you?  As I look out on the orange-tinted fog, I am reminded of the deep fear and anxiety so many are experiencing at this time.  I am continually praying for God’s mercy and protection for those affected by the fires.  And I’m praying for the safety of my beloved Forest Home…such a dear…

Weekend Update! Sept 5, 2020

Hello, my friends! Hope you are having a delightful holiday weekend.  I’m writing this in front of a fan, bracing myself for what looks to be a bit of a scorcher today and tomorrow.  Hopefully, you can all squeeze in a quick dip in the ocean to stay cool! I want to remind you that we’re not…

Weekend update from your pastor: August 8, 2020

Weekend Update  Hello, my friends! Just a quick weekend update.  I’m excited for you to get to hear Pastor Steve Krantz present our first “Sermon from Quarantine” message tomorrow.  Throughout history, God has used times of interruption as powerful opportunities for growth and renewal of vision.  Having concluded our series on the Psalms of Ascent, we are going…

A note from your pastor: July 29, 2020

Hello, my friends! So I had a relationship breakthrough this week!  It was with Sprinkles, my daughter’s pet cockatiel.  Up until now, Sprinkles has wanted nothing to do with me.  In fact, the only times she lets me hold her is when she’s flown off her perch and, in desperation, allowed me to return her to the safety…