Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Posts by Greg Sowle (Page 10)

At This Crazy/Unpredictable Time 3/23/20

Weekly Monday Prayer Message For Monday, March 23, 2020  There’s one verse of Scripture that has grabbed me more than any other at this crazy and unpredictable time. And if we can do it, life will become immeasurably better for all of us. Here it is:           “Whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is good,…

A note from your pastor: Saturday, March 21

Hello, my friends! These letters are starting to feel more like field notes…all of us are navigating unfamiliar territory.  Just know you aren’t alone. Each one of us is experiencing the whole range of emotions right now.  And sometimes emotions can feel like cars flying past us and we are somehow there in the middle of traffic,…

Prayer For Saturday March 20,2020

Daily Prayer Message Why We Pray (Part 2): We pray because Jesus said it was important to pray. He encouraged us to pray often and not lose heart (Luke 18:1). He prayed all the time. If Jesus felt the need to pray, how much more should we? The early church was completely devoted to prayer (Acts…

Prayer for Friday, March 20, 2020

Daily Prayer Message Why Should You Pray? Because prayer releases God’s will in the earth. It can change what appears to be unchangeable. It shows you care. It is a way to love others. It’s comforting. Encouraging. It builds faith and gives you a real connection with God. Because fervent, persevering prayer accomplishes more than you can ever imagine (James 5:16).           “Prayer is…

Daily Prayer For Thursday, March 19, 2020

Daily Prayer Message “Prayer at an early hour decides our day. Wasted time, temptations we yield to, lethargy at work, disorder in our thoughts, as well as personal interaction with others – all these frequently have their root in neglecting prayer in the morning.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer I thought this quote from one of the most…

Prayer – For Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Daily Prayer Message  Hi everyone – day #2 of our new daily online prayer/worship message, temporarily replacing our daily morning gathering at Little Church. It’s pretty cool that we now have this message on the front page of our website. Even more believers will be praying, which I repeat, is the single best thing we…

Monday morning update: March 16

Hello church family, We’re writing to let you know that as of this afternoon, we will be closing our church campus to all meetings and gatherings.  We are doing this in compliance with our governors recommendations, and out of a desire to exercise wisdom and prudence during this time.  It is so important that we aren’t merely looking out for our own safety and…

What This Virus Should Teach Us 3/14/20

This week I want to share with you some of the most inspiring and hope-filled comments/messages I have found as the world moves through this coronavirus pandemic…. “God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1.7 “The Lord is my light and salvation…