Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Posts by Greg Sowle (Page 12)

Miracles 11/6/19

Miracles don’t happen every day, but they do happen. Healings are rare but they do take place. God doesn’t always say yes to our prayers, but He does often. Here’s one for you. I’ve known Sylvia Moore 45 years as she was in my first church in the 70’s and now attends Little Church. Sylvia…

An Extraordinary Gift 9/25/19

The wife God has given me is the most amazing woman. It’s hard to know where to start when describing Nikki. She’s beautiful, at times stunning, and is getting more and more lovely as she’s getting older. Seven years ago she took up ballroom dancing and now competes pro-am with the best dancers in the…

“Cancer Is Gone!” 9/17/19

My heart jumped when I received this text yesterday from Kelly Viszolay, “Cancer is gone from my lungs!” What tremendous news for Kelly to  hear. Such a huge relief. There is still more healing needed for Kelly so we shall keep praying. But I can’t tell you what it means to all who love her…

God’s Love Will Carry You Through 9/9/19

Late Sunday night I spoke with a member of Little Church whom I dearly love. She shared with me how tough life had been and how she was just hanging in there, even having moments of doubt. What was God up to? Did she want to continue on in a certain direction? Uncertainty and a…

The Stages of Grief 8/26/19

“There’s a time to weep and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to dance.”  Ecclesiastes 3:4 Megan Hampton died suddenly on Sunday. Then Virginia Hatlen followed her to heaven on Monday. Two great losses. Of course we are thrilled they are in heaven but for those of us who loved…

R U Good News or Bad? 8/20/19

“Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ has forgiven you.”  Ephesians 4:32 Do people love to be around you? Or do they feel uncomfortable? Are you a blessing to others or are you difficult for them. Are people happy to see you, or not? Are you a good news person? Or are you bad news?…

The Potter’s Vessel 8/12/19

The Potter’s Vessel The Master was searching for a vessel to use, On a shelf there were many, Which one would He choose? Pick me, cried the gold one, I’m shiny and bright, I’m of great value, And do things just right. My beauty and luster will outshine the rest And for someone like You,…

The Cat 8/5/19

If my mom was still alive she would have turned 105 this Thursday. Sounds very old but I just read about an 110 year old woman who celebrated her birthday today and Bruce Ungerland’s mother turns 102 this week. Wow! How I loved my mom who was a poet. And a pretty good poet at…

10,000 Miles Apart 7/23/19

“For Christ is our peace, who made all believers into one, breaking down the dividing wall.” Ephesians 2:14 It was the defining ministry trip of my life. Along with Pastor Mike Hudgins, Kent and Keitha Russell and Tom Ravensberg, I traveled to Thailand, Malaysia and Cambodia in 1999. While in Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s capital, I…

White-Washed Sepulcher 7/16/19

Sunday was a most important day for Jason. He dressed in his very best suit, complete with vest, an engraved handkerchief in his jacket pocket, and a colorful tie. He then brushed every hair perfectly into place. Peering into the bathroom mirror, he smiled. “Looking pretty sharp buddy. You’re stylin.” At church Jason served as an usher. He greeted the congregation with…