Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Posts by Greg Sowle (Page 14)

The Pilgrimage 4/29/19

The Pilgrimage There’s a narrow road of pilgrimage I’ve chosen for my days And I know the price of traveling there Will cost my life, my ways And it stretches farther than my eyes Could ever hope to see But I know the Lover of my soul Has laid this path for me  When I…

Why You Struggle 4/22/19

 “Consider it all joy brethren when you encounter various trials, know the testing of your faith produces endurance and let endurance have its perfect result that you would be complete, lacking in nothing.” James 1:2-4 A man was working in his garden when he came upon the cocoon of a butterfly. A couple of days…

Mixed Emotions/Thailand Trip 3/18/19

Transitioning: It’s with mixed emotions Little Church says goodbye to some people we really love, all who are moving in the next couple of weeks. Pastor Greg Sowle and his wife Michelle are heading to Colorado Springs.Bobbi Boyd and Colleen Sullivan are journeying to Texas and Bob, Jenny and David Kessner are relocating to Illinois. May God bless these moves. All of us at Little…

Trapped in a Bird Cage 3/11/19

There once was a pastor in a small New England town. One day he saw a young boy coming toward him, swinging an old, rusty bird cage. On the inside were four small birds, shivering with cold and fright. “What you got there, son” he asked. “Just some old birds,” the lad replied. “Whatcha going…

A Word on the Word 3/4/19

“Heaven and earth will pass away but My words will never pass away”  Luke 21:33 “Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4; Deuteronomy 8:3 “Every Scripture is God-breathed, inspired by God, and profitable for instruction, reproof, conviction of sin, for correction…

You Were Born to Fly 2/25/19

“I pray the eyes of your heart would be enlightened, that you would know what is the hope of your calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe.”  Ephesians 1:18-19 A Poignant Story: One day a…

Two Ways To Look At Life 2/18/19

My home in the canyon is graced by a number of rose bushes. When you look at a rose bush you can either see the beauty of the rose or you can focus on the thorns. You can be grateful for what a magnificent flower the rose is, or you can grumble about the pain…

Love at First Sight 2/4/19

Once upon a time a little girl walked by a five and dime store and saw a beautiful string of imitation white pearls. It was love at first sight. She looked into her tattered, tiny purse and found just enough money to buy them. My, how she loved those pearls, and wore them almost every…

Worship Overcomes Warfare 1/28/19

When Paul and Silas were beaten within an inch of their lives and thrown into prison, what did they do? They lifted their voices up and began singing to God. Suddenly an earthquake shook the prison doors open and the two of them led the Philippian jailer to Christ. (Luke 16:16-40) When the Moabites and…

“Get Down From That Tree” 1/21/19

“Zaccheaus, get down from that tree,” shouted Jesus to the bewildered tax collector who had just shimmied up a sycamore. In teaching this passage yesterday at Little Church (Luke 19:1-10), I suggested some wonderful imagery can be seen here. Jesus is just days from the crucifixion and the passage lends itself to some wonderful comparisons.…