Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Posts by Greg Sowle (Page 7)

A Virtual Baptism, Mon 4/20

Weekly Prayer Message, Monday, April 20, 2020  A Virtual Baptism Her name is Candise which means “sparkling.” And it perfectly describes this young lady these days – sparkling with joy, shining with excitement, and carrying a newfound passion and love for God. She has made her way back to the Lord in recent weeks after straying…

Forgiving Yourself, Saturday, April 18

Daily Prayer Message, Saturday, April 18, 2020 Forgiving Yourself She sat there on a chair in my office, so overwhelmed, so beside herself, so emotional, she could barely speak. She cried and cried and wouldn’t look at me, staring at the floor, trying desperately to tell me what was wrong. She finally got it out. Thirty…

The Heart of Heaven, Friday, April 17

Daily Prayer Message, Friday, April 17, 2020 The Heart of Heaven This is a prayer not only relevant to the hour we are living in, but for any time of life.        “Let everyone cry out to God and lift their hearts to Him, as if they were hanging by a hair and a tempest were…

Eye of the Lord Thursday, 4/16

Daily Prayer Message, Thursday, April 16, 2020 The Eye of the Lord The Lord looks from heaven, He sees all the children of men. From the place of his dwelling he looks out On all the inhabitants of the earth. He fashions their hearts individually, He considers all their works. No king is saved by the…

A note from your pastor: April 15, 2020

Hello my friends! It is Easter week and today it definitely feels like spring.  A clear, bright morning with lots of birds chirping away outdoors.  It is a hard day to be inside. I think quarantine is easier when it is wet and rainy outside.  Days like today beckon us to come out into the splendor and beauty…

A Special Word, Wed April 15

A Daily Prayer Message, Wednesday, April 15, 2020  A Special Word Today, a guest contribution from Bill and Andra Miller’s son, Mark, written for a home church gathering at their Resurrection Sunday celebration. It’s moving and poignant, just a neeeded word from fine a young man. Mark Miller Easter, 2020 Who does not feel the shock of the past six weeks?  Death, poverty,…

Lay Down My Life, Tuesday April 14

Daily Prayer Message, Tuesday, April 14, 2020  I’m Going To Lay Down My Life Bessie Jones – I Am Going To Lay Down My Life For My Lord Click video on far left. Short intro before singing starts. Thought I’d open this Daily Prayer Message with some Southern Gospel Blues, sung by Bessie Jones. I…

God’s View of COVID-19, Monday April 13

Weekly Prayer Message, Monday, April 13, 2020 God’s View of COVID-19 The news blares on. The virus is peaking. The death toll surges. Medical equipment is sparse. Shutdown. Lockdown. Nobody knows what the future holds. Lots of people stressing. Anxious and fearful. There’s lots of pressure. Including among Christians. So how do we personally deal with…

A Stunning Week, Saturday, April 11

Daily Prayer Message, Saturday, April 11, 2020  A Stunning Week           “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also the Greek.”  Romans 1:16 Like No Other. Infinitely meaningful. Profoundly prophetic. Arching from the Old to the New. From…

A Terrifying Beauty Friday, April 10

Daily Prayer Message, Friday, April 10, 2020  The Terrifying Beauty of the Cross Good Friday: Today we commemorate the passion, suffering, and death of the Lord Jesus. Many believers spend Good Friday in fasting, prayer, repentance, and remembrance of the awful suffering of the Lamb of God. Jesus sacrificed for you. Given up for me. Becoming Redeemer of…