We are a community of believers endeavoring to live as God's people with Christ as the central focus of our lives.


Where are we going? A note from your pastor

Where are we going? As a pastor and leader, I get asked this question all the time.  Usually, these days, it comes with a twinge of anxiety and worry.  It can feel a bit more like “where are you taking us?”  Which I do understand…with a future that feels unsure and a culmination of uncertainties all colliding at once, it doesn’t surprise me that we…

Urgent update from Pastor Jeff 01/02/21

Hello, my friends! Well, this isn’t quite the note I was hoping to write for the beginning of the New Year.  Usually, this is a time for resolutions and optimistic goal setting. It is about vision and looking forward.  But this has been the year of continual disruptions and disappointments for all of us, and it appears that it is spilling over into 2021.  Quite…