Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Prayer Letter (Page 11)

The Unseen Blessing of Rejection 12/5/17

Third in a series Visibly shaken, her eyes welling up with tears, she managed to blurt out, “I’m crushed. Never saw this coming. I don’t know if I will get over it.” I sought to comfort and encourage her but inside I was as thrilled as I could be. She had been engaged to someone…

A Universal Malady 11/26/17

Second in a series I was asked why I am writing a series on rejection. That’s easy. Rejection is the major reason people come in for prayer or ask to see me. Rejection is a universal malady, we have all experienced it. You have experienced it. I have experienced it. Rejection is so common it…

The Pain of Rejection 11/22/17

First in a Series….  It was the last practice before Christmas break and I was sprinting down the court for a layup with teammate George Pelletier hot on my heels. I angled for the basket, went up to lay the ball off the glass, when suddenly George crashed into me, sending me headlong onto the…

Getting Closer to Heaven 10/10/17

Once upon a time there was a nation of pencils who loved to write. They wrote volumes of words, sentences and paragraphs, all bound together in book after book. They called it history. But they had a big problem. Not one of the pencils had an eraser. So when a mistake was made, there was…

Days of Awe 9/26/17

Our Roots: Christianity and Judaism are inseparably linked, joined together in God’s extraordinary predestined plan. The New Testament becomes incomplete without the Old Testament, with volumes of the Old quoted in the New. Orthodox Jews and true Christians worship the same God. This cannot be said of any other religion. The same reverence for the…

Finding Little Treasures 9/18/17

Whenever Nikki and I travel, often to upstate New York and New England, I love visiting antique and second hand stores, finding little treasures that are sometimes over a century old. Antiques are wonderful relics from the past, old collectibles transporting us to another time, speaking to us of our heritage, exuding charm and nostalgia.…

Running With Dolphins 9/13/17

There’s never been anybody quite like him. His real name is Ken. His nickname is “Georgia” as he grew up in Savannah. Raised in a middle class home, Georgia was an average student with nothing unusual about him. Then in 1967 he joined the army, serving with distinction in the Vietnam War, awarded the Air…

Do I Need To Be Nicer To My Wife?

Fairly challenging week everyone. Lost our credit card that is on-file with just about every important area of our life. Have looked and looked. No card. Asked the Upper Room prayer people to pray. And specifically Robin, who has a gift in praying for people who’ve lost something, and so often the missing item is…

Remember the Camel 8/22/17

A Verse I Need Every Day: “If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  1 John 1:9 A few thoughts this week that have often inspired me. (** is my response) The greatest prayer you can pray is, “Lord, Your will…

Just a Drizzle 8/15/17

I thought of my mom last week as I realized it was her birthday. It’s now been over 15 years since she passed, on Good Friday in 2001. Third-grade school teacher, wife, mother of three, a dedicated believer in Jesus, and as spiffy as they come, she also wrote  poetry for over 50 years. I think it’s pretty good poetry and so…