Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Prayer Letter (Page 19)

She Loves Everybody 1/19/16

A really tough decision was suddenly no decision at all. And I knew it. Not going to be easy. Not at all. But it had to be made. My son Micah had just called and said, “You know dad, we are really having a hard time allowing Dylan to visit you because of the dog. We can’t trust Jasper. We’re really nervous.”…

What Have I Done? 1/12/16

So, three weeks ago we rescued this mixed-mutt from the Irvine Animal Shelter. On our way to pay a bunch of money to a breeder for another Pomeranian, we stopped by the shelter on a whim. There he was, a mix of who knows what. A little Chihuahua. A little Corgy.  Maybe a little Pom. Perhaps raccoon. Nikki’s heart went out to…

First Devotional of 2016

I’ve seen some extraordinary photos during my lifetime but this one taken just a few days ago by Greg Sowle ranks right up there with the very best. It captures a transcendent moment, a blazing Laguna sunset blanketed by the swirling skies of the heavens above. And rising majestically in the foreground –  a simple cross perched on our steeple, reminding us of the…

Ending & Beginning 12/29/15

New Year’s Morning: The whole church and all your family and friends are invited to start 2016 by praying on the knoll, halfway up the fire road between Moulton Meadow Park and Top of the World, where we hold our Easter Sunrise Service. There’s a stunning view of most of Laguna on one side of the knoll and Saddleback Valley on the other.…

An Explosion of Worship 12/22/15

God Speaks In many Tongues: Thought you might like to see what a Chinese Christmas greeting looks like, sent to me from my friend Sufen Tsai, who has been a leader in Singapore and China for many years. 是的,已經是聖誕節了。祂來過了!祂來是為了救贖,為了修復,為了上十字架,也是為了拯救!祂把我們留再地上,所以我們可以為祂而活,我們可以藉著活出我們的救恩和神的愛來影響和改變生命,甚至帶領人信主。如果我們讓神在我們生命中掌權神,祂喜悅透過我們的生命來施行救贖與神蹟。基督教不是一個宗教,而是一種生活,一種生命!我們“不做”事工,我們的生命和生活就是事工,基督徒本身就是事工! English Translation: Yes, it is Christmas! He came to redeem, to restore, to die and to save! He keeps us alive to live for…

One Night Alone 12/15/15

“One night alone in prayer might make us new, changed from poverty of soul to spiritual wealth, from trembling to triumphing.”  — Charles Spurgeon This extraordinary photo reminds me that we are all joined together within the human family.  Prayer Focus This Week Love – to fill our lives, families and the church; and to fill our hearts for God Patience – with those…

A Reason to Worship 12/8/15

When Jesus entered this world, worship exploded everywhere. Angels worshiped. Shepherds worshiped. The three wise sages worshiped. Anna and Simeon worshiped. And of course Mary, the mother of Jesus, worshiped in wonder and awe. “My soul exalts the Lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior, for He has had regard for the humble state of His servant, for behold,…

Hearts Aglow 12/1/15

We have often prayed that God would bring renewal and revival to America. What you might not know is God has been wonderfully moving in Africa in recent years. Christianity is alive and growing and exciting things are taking place. Our Mo Arthur is in Mozambique right now working with Heidi and Roland Baker, returning to Laguna soon. Can’t wait to hear…

Drinking From the Saucer 11/24/15

“Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.”  Harry Ironsides How true. Trust none of us will be grumpy on Thanksgiving. May we all pour lots of love into our family and friends on this special day. I want to wish you all a Very Happy and Contented Thanksgiving. And indeed I have many things to be thankful for, starting with you. Peggy…

She Changed My Life 11/17/15

Dear Miss Cummings, I have thought of you so many times over the years. And now I’m coming to realize why. You touched my life in such a deep and meaningful way it changed me, even though I was just a tow-headed, shy, ten-year old. And please forgive me. I have put this letter off far too long. I realize it’s been…