Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Prayer Letter (Page 7)

How to Vote 11/6/18

John Wesley’s Advice on How to Vote in an Election October 6, 1774 I met those of our society who had votes in the ensuing election, and advised them… 1. To vote, without fee or reward, for the person they judged most worthy 2. To speak no evil of the person they voted against, and…

A Debilitating Problem 10/30/18

One of the most debilitating spiritual problems is performance-based Christianity, attempting to gain God’s approval by “being good.” And we think God is pleased with us because we’ve been performing well. But if we happen to sin or fail, we quickly plunge into discouragement, convinced we have displeased God and now He is unhappy with…

What You Wrote 10/23/18

Wanted to share a few of the responses to the prayer letter last week where I wrote about some of my emotions in assessing life on my 76th birthday. I feel like I pulled some of the mask off I sometimes wear. Actually these are but snippets from your responses. Thank you for taking the time…

Conflicted 10/16/18

I turn 76 next week. Feeling more challenged about this birthday than most others. To be honest, deep down I’m a little unsettled. All these years, all the time spent, sometimes misspent. As I write this, I feel a little conflicted. About life and purpose and destiny. Have I missed something? Stayed on track? Or too…

“Just Keep Swimming” 10/9/18

“Fight the good fight, stay the course, keep the faith.”  2 Timothy 4:7  “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming,” said a rather distressed sister one morning in the prayer room, referencing the Finding Nemo film. She cried out further, “I’m not going to give in, I’m not going to give up, and I have no…

The Place of Endless Possibilities 10/2/18

“Wherever you pray is a place of endless possibilities.” The moment Alex Phillips shared this jewel during an Upper Room morning prayer meeting a few years ago, I jotted it down. It gripped my heart. And reminded me that nothing is impossible with God. God can do anything. What are you currently facing? What troubles, challenges…

God Believes in You 9/11/18

Departing: Nikki and I leave for Ireland this Saturday,  a country we love to visit, so this is the last prayer letter till October. To begin this week I want to share a very sweet excerpt from an encouraging email sent by our dear brother Gil Delinger…             “A big thank you to the people of…

“You Are Everything To Me” 9/4/18

Strolling slowly down the beach in her bare feet, the ocean breeze tousled her hair and the sun bounced off the shimmering water, making her squint a little. But she didn’t seem to notice. More important things than her appearance were on her mind. She was suddenly feeling drawn, called by something deep within her.…

The Fascination of Old Books 8/28/18

There once was a little bookstore tucked among a small cluster of shops in the south end of town. Treasures were there and over the years I found a few of them lining the shelves. Poets and pastors; maps and manuscripts; leather-bound gems; golf-leaf pages bursting with inspiration, words lingering from days gone by. Some…

Reconcilable Differences 8/21/18

Dating sites often match people up by their similarities, how compatible they might be because they hold the same likes and dislikes. That a successful and satisfying marriage is the joining together of two people who are very much alike. This is a misconception. While there needs to be some common ground, a couple can…