Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Prayer Letter (Page 9)

Falling into a Pit 6/4/18

Mike Hunter and his boy Asher taken on the Church Play Date last week This week, a little lighter fare for those of you with a sense of humor. And frankly, I think a sense of humor is desperately needed these days.… A man fell into a pit and could not get out… A fire…

A Humble Offering 5/29/18

A Tender Heart: Sharing with you this week a letter I received awhile back. Actually it’s a prayer of someone very grateful to God. Such sweet and moving thoughts. Penned anonymously… “Dear Lord, I love Your blessings. My little house and surroundings are beautiful day after day. The events in my life are often immensely…

Something Different This Week 5/22/18

Finding Hidden Treasure An age of alienation Futility grips the mind Darkness hailed as the light By prophets of the blind God is dead or so they say In schools He has been banned Fancy words of emptiness Keep raining on the land Mighty strongholds bind the weak Chains of fear and shame Intoxicated to…

Golden Splendor and Blazing Light 5/9/18

“Out of the north comes golden splendor and blazing light; God comes in awesome majesty. The Almighty is beyond our reach and exalted in power; in His justice and great righteousness, He does not oppress. Therefore men revere Him, yet God does not have regard for those conceited in heart.” Job 37:22-24 This is one…

Is America Beyond Fixing? 5/1/18

“Call upon Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, far more than you might ever imagine.”  Jeremiah 33:3 In Two Days: You are encouraged to attend the National Day of Prayer this Thursday, May 3 at noon at the flagpole in front of the Laguna Beach City Hall. There…

A Lesson in Humility 4/24/18

And Adam said, “Lord, Since I disobeyed you, and we don’t walk together in the garden anymore, it is difficult for me to remember how much you love me.” And God said, “No problem. I will create a companion who will love you. No matter how selfish or childish or unlovable you may be, this…

A Beloved Co-worker 4/17/18

My mom once told me the hardest part of getting older was losing friends who died ahead of her. This comment struck home when I learned last week that my good friend Elliot Miller had passed from cancer. Elliot and I were on the same track from the very beginning. He gave his life to…

Life’s One Overriding Issue 4/10/18

“In You, my God, my heart shall triumph, no matter my circumstances! By Your power, O blessed Spirit, my heart shall rejoice even though all things should fail me here below.” Charles Spurgeon In prayer appointments, counseling, in one-on-one interactions, during a ministry time, but even more, in my own personal life, I am constantly…

The Joy of Little Church by the Sea 4/3/18

Lots going on lately as the Little Church calendar has been very full. But it’s been so fun. Mission trips. Retreats. Good Friday. Easter. Etc. Pictures and videos are worth more than lots words so here goes… Resurrection Day/Easter Services A great group of early-risers, so happy to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus at our…

How Does He Do It? 2/20/18

I’ve never seen anything like it. The amazing ability to organize, oversee and implement a missions trip of consistently more than 50 kids. How does he do it? To me it’s mind-boggling. If I take a team of 8 people overseas, it is a monumental job of planning, coordinating, creating teamwork, itineraries, flights, hotels, etc.…