Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Stay Focused Everyone 9/20/16

“Do not forsake the assembling of yourselves together, as is the habit of some, but encourage and admonish one another, and all the more faithfully, as you see the day approaching.”  Hebrews 11:25  Amplified
“Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God, approved, a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing, rightly handling and skillfully teaching, the Word of Truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 Amplified
The apostles said, “We must continue to devote ourselves steadfastly to prayer and the ministry of the Word.” Acts 6:4 Amplified

The verses above urge all believes to 1. Regularly gather together 2. Study eagerly the Word of God 3. Pray….Little Church provides ample opportunity to do all three. Listed below are a number of studies and gatherings designed to increase your relationship with God and other believers. The added bonus is there’s such excellent leadership in all these meetings…

Monday 7 pm – Bible Study, men/women, “Getting to Know God” by Greg Sowle in Fellowship Hall; studying the basic truths of the faith; a must for any new or young believer; phone – 408-391-6954

Monday 6:30 pm – Prayer/Counseling, half-hour appointments in church office – 6:30-8:30 pm – Pastor Jay 949-315-1398; Alison Hecht 949-813-9090

Tuesday 7 pm – Men’s Study and Fellowship in Upper Room by Pastor Jeff – 949-280-9834

Tuesday 7 pm – Women’s Bible Study in Book of Revelation at home of Monica Thompson – 949-702-1429 (meets every other week)

Wednesday 8 am to 6 pm – All-Day Prayer and Worship in Upper Room, one-hour of personal time w/God; sign-ups in advance; all hours filled at this time; Pastor Jay 949-315-1398

Wednesday 11 am to 1 pm – Women’s “Shine” Bible Study in the Book of Romans by Alison Hecht; meets in Fellowship Hall;  949-813-9090

Thursday 9:30-11:30 am – “Glory Gals” meets at Bonnie Johnson’s house; prayer and personal ministry; starting up in October; call Bonfire at 494-6488 for information and directions

Thursday 6 pm – “Barnabas Cottage”, Women’s gathering in Fellowship Hall – dinner, communion, Bible study,- Kathleen Swetz 949-510-2203 or Penny Hancock 949-489-0408

Friday 9:15 to 11:15 am – Women’s Bible Study in the Book of 2nd Timothy, Beth Moore video, led by Chris Lins in Fellowship Hall – 949-533-4176

Saturday 9 am – Men’s Breakfast, once per month, in Fellowship Hall; led by Bill Kelso – 949-929-8186

Every Morning, Monday thru Saturday – Prayer/Worship/Personal Ministry in Upper Room 8-9 am; Jay Grant 949-315-1398; open door, come and leave as needed.

“You will find Me when you seek for Me with all your heart”

Prayer Needs This Week…

  • Charlie Johnson – Hunter and Kayla’s dad; in serious condition with pneumonia
  • Danny, to be released from prison in two weeks, now a believer; will need employment, a church home and healthy relationships
  • Steve Doherty – soon to start radiation for prostate cancer
  • All the studies and gatherings listed above, that each one is anointed of God, full of life and the Holy Spirit
  • Loved ones who suffer from the substance abuse of other family members
  • 6thgrade Thurston Catalina science trip; youth leaders from our church go as helpers; wonderful opportunity to meet kids
  • Rylie, young lady with severe intestinal issues

Keep praying everyone. Don’t back down. Even if you are hurt or disappointed. Stay focused on the Lord.

Pastor Jay