Becoming like Christ for the sake of others

Utter and Complete Joy 3/14/17

How much I love this church and there’s no greater joy than watching all God is doing with our youth. What a blessed ministry under the careful guidance and leadership of Pastor Sam and his team of awesome leaders. Couldn’t stop smiling after watching this video. An unbelievably precious moment for each one baptized.

“And when they believed Philip preaching the good news about the kingdom of God and the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, they were baptized, men and women alike.” Acts 8:12

The high school kids sharing last Sunday just how deeply they were touched by God on the Guatemala missions trip. It was extremely moving. Robert Cleamons (far right) is speaking. Photo by Greg Sowle

A Full Year’s Study: This Sunday we move into Acts 26, nearing the end of the book, a section detailing Paul’s various trials before making his way finally to Rome. We began teaching Acts in April of 2016 and will finish in April of this year, a full 12 months studying my favorite book in the Bible. Wanted to forward you a really cute Sunday School video sent by Priscilla Roach that will help you visualize and understand better Paul’s three church-planting journeys which cover Acts 13 through most of chapter 21

Thank You: For praying over my younger son Micah whose back surgery last week was a complete success

 Prayer Needs This Week…

  • Each one of the high school kids baptized would continue their walk with Christ, choosing the kingdom of God over the superficial ways of this world.
  • My brother-in-law Mark Blumenfeld undergoes open heart surgery this Friday
  • I am going with Bill Devin this Sunday to speak at Centinela State Prison; pray I can communicate well.
  • Full Healing: Denise de la Torre, Deb DeSimone, David Kessner, Steve Doherty, Judy Nazemi’s sister Carol
  • Steve Young, trip to Uganda and Ethiopia
  • Women’s ministry under the leadership of Kathleen Swetz, Monica Thompson, Chris Lins
  • Transition of Greg Sowle onto our pastoral staff
  • Needs for the startup of the Good News Club at El Morro (contact Dawn Chambers at 949-294-4533): We need prizes: 24 small for daily drawings; 4 bigger prizes; Post-It note pad 4×6″; 2 rolls of raffle tickets; small plates, napkins, handwipes.

Finally“Speak in anger and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret.” 

Pastor Jay